Leśny dwór/Pokoje

Z Minecraft Wiki Polska
Wersja z dnia 21:37, 7 paź 2016 autorstwa Rudenet (dyskusja | edycje) (Tłumaczenie (Niedokończone.).)
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Na tej stronie przedstawione zostały pokoje generowane w leśnych posiadłościach.

Nazwa struktury Nieoficjalna nazwa Opis Stworzony z
1x1_a1 Pokój z doniczkami Pokój z 5 doniczkami stojącymi na bruku. 49 BlockCSS_new.png/319 Brzozowe deski,

40 BlockCSS_new.png/1140 Bruk,

10 BlockCSS_new.png/1347 Brukowy murek,

7 BlockCSS_new.png/1393 Schody z bruku,

5 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Doniczka,

2 BlockCSS_new.png/1598 Czosnek,

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Niebieska orhidea,

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Azure Bluet,

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Oxeye Daisy.

1x1_a2 Pokój z torami i drabinkami. Pokój z kręgiem dookoła płotków, z torami na ich szczycie, i drabinami położonymi na murkach z kręgu. Pojedyncza dynia wisi na murku zwrócona w stronę drzwi. 49 BlockCSS_new.png/1111 Brzozowe deski,

30 BlockCSS_new.png/1393 Brukowe schody,

19 BlockCSS_new.png/1396 Ciemnodębowe schody,

18 BlockCSS_new.png/1723 Tory,

15 BlockCSS_new.png/1799 Drabina,

12 BlockCSS_new.png/1140 Bruk,

1 BlockCSS_new.png/1660 Dynia.

1x1_a3 Biuro Pokój z dwoma typami stołów, zrobionymi z brukowych schodów i krzesłami. Jest tam też kilka doniczek, położonych na stołach. 49 BlockCSS_new.png/1111 Brzozowe deski,

10 BlockCSS_new.png/1393 Brukowe schody,

8 BlockCSS_new.png/1140 Bruk,

3 BlockCSS_new.png/1405 Dębowe schody,

3 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Red Tulip,

3 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Light Grey Carpet,

3 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Flower Pot,

1 BlockCSS_new.png/1313 Dębowe deski.

1x1_a4 Pokój w szachownicę Pokój z szachownicowym wzorem na podłodze, i murkami przykrytymi płotkami. Jest tutaj ukryta skrzynka, położona powyżej podłogi i zawierająca łup podobny do tego z lochów.. 68 BlockCSS_new.png/1352 Płot,

49 BlockCSS_new.png/1111 Brzozowe deski,

40 BlockCSS_new.png/1187 Ciemnodębowe drewno,

15 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Gray Carpet,

13 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Light Gray Carpet,

1 BlockCSS_new.png/142 Skrzynia (łup losowy).

1x1_a5 Pokój z brukiem i doniczką postawioną na murku. 49 BlockCSS_new.png/1111 Brzozowe deski,

46 BlockCSS_new.png/1140 Bruk,

22 BlockCSS_new.png/1396 Ciemnodębowe schody,

9 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Cobblestone StairsBrukowe schody,

7 BlockCSS_new.png/1311 Ciemnodębowe deski,

6 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Brukowy półblok,

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 White Tulip,

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Doniczka.

1x1_as1 Pokój X Sekretny pokój z brukowymi ścianami oraz skrzynią. 120 BlockCSS_new.png/1140 Bruk,

49 BlockCSS_new.png/1111 Brzozowe deski,

1 BlockCSS_new.png/142 Skrzynia (łupo losowy).

1x1_as2 Pokój pająków Sekretny pokój ze spawnerem pająków oraz dużą ilością pajęczyn. 95 BlockCSS_new.png/1773 Pajęczyna,

49 BlockCSS_new.png/1111 Brzozowe deski,

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Mob spawner (pająk).

1x1_as3 Pokój obsydianowy Sekretny pokój ze stertą obsydianu. W tej stercie znajduje się blok diamentu. 49 BlockCSS_new.png/1111 Brzozowe deski,

19 BlockCSS_new.png/1158 Obsydian,

1 BlockCSS_new.png/1304 Blok diamentu.

1x1_as4 Pokój brzozowych filarów. Sekretny pokój z czterema filarami z brzozowych desek rozciągających się na suficie.. 85 BlockCSS_new.png/1111 Brzozowe deski.
1x1_b1 Pokój z blatem z doniczką, jako struktura zrobiona z desek i płotków. 80 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Birch Wood Planks

39 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Birch Wood Stairs

9 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Birch Wood Slab

6 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Birch Fence

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Azure Bluet

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Flower Pot

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Pink Carpet

1x1_b2 Small Dining Room A room with a table and chairs to go with it. The table has light gray carpets on it, with some black carpets in the middle. 49 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Birch Wood Planks

14 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Oak Wood Stairs

10 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Dark Oak Wood Planks

10 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Light Gray Carpet

4 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Dark Oak Wood Stairs

2 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Black Carpet

2 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Dark Oak Fence

2 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Oak Wood Planks

1x1_b3 Single Bed bedroom A room with a bed (made out of carpets), a fireplace (made out of cobblestone) and a bonsai (made out of a fence and leaves). 49 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Birch Wood Planks

13 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Cobblestone

7 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Cobblestone Slab

6 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Oak Wood Slab

4 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Red Wool

3 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Cobblestone Stairs

2 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Wool

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Dark Oak Fence

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Dark Oak Leaves

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Oak Wood Planks

1x1_b4 Mała biblioteka A room with some bookcases and a flower pot in the corner. 49 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Birch Wood Planks

24 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Dark Oak Wood Stairs

20 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Oak Wood Planks

12 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Bookshelf

9 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Oak Wood Stairs

7 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Oak Wood Slab

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Allium

1 BlockCSS_new.png/384 Flower Pot

1x1_b5 Allium room A room with allium, vines, a cauldron and a chest containing allium. The roof is made out of fences.
1x2_a1 A room with a construction in the middle, made of cobblestone and cobblestone stairs which delimit a tiny, short passage with a banner at the end. There's a hidden chest behind the construction. A Vindicator always spawns here.
1x2_a2 Farma pszenicy A room with a wheat farm. The water in the farm is covered with Lily Pads.
1x2_a3 Blacksmith room A room with arches made of polished andesite. There's an anvil and, in a corner, two lava blocked encased by polished andesite to prevent burning. A Vindicator always spawns here.
1x2_a4 Sapling room A room with 2 layers of rows of dark oak saplings. Ladders go to the ceiling. There is a loot chest with dark oak saplings in it.
1x2_a5 Pokój oceanowy A room with piles of blue, light blue and cyan wool.
1x2_a6 Tree Chopping room A secret room containing a tree and a chest which always has an iron axe with Efficiency I.
1x2_a7 Fama grzybó A room with a mushroom farm, as well as a table, a chair and an empty chest.
1x2_a8 Stem farm A room with a two-stage, pumpkin and melon farm. A Vindicator always spawns here.
1x2_a9 Small Empty Storage room A room with a lot of single chests. The chests are all empty. A Vindicator always spawns here.
1x2_b1 Redstone Jaild A room with a door-opening redstone circuit. The room is locked by 2 iron doors. There is a lever and some redstone dust to open both. Inside is a zone with cobblestone arches, with some brown carpets and a cauldron. A Vindicator always spawns here.
1x2_b2 Small Jail A room with a cell with cobblestone walls and a cauldron and brown carpets on the inside, and a chair and a table outside. A Vindicator always spawns here.
1x2_b3 Wood Archway room A room with a bunch of arches made of Dark Oak Wood. A chest exists at the room's end, containing loot. A Vindicator always spawns here.
1x2_b4 Double Stairway room A room with spiral staircase: a 1-wide, dead end, sloping and curving hallway that leads to a single chest, containing loot similar to that of a dungeon.
1x2_b5 Illager Head room A room with an illager pixel art.
1x2_c_stairs Curved Stairs room Some stairs leading up, decorated with an illager pixel art.
1x2_c1 Medium Dining Room A room with a table with a flower pot on it and stairs all around it. A chandelier exists on the ceiling.
1x2_c2 Double Bed bedroon A room with pink and purple beds and a flower pot in the corner.
1x2_c3 Triple Bed bedroom A room with 3 blue beds. Three Vindicators always spawn here.
1x2_c4 Medium Library A room with many bookcases and a table in the center with two chests and two flower pots on it.
1x2_d_stairs Straight Stairs room Some stairs leading up, decorated with an illager pixel art.
1x2_d1 Master bedroom A room with a regal bed and three sun banners.
1x2_d2 Dziecinna sypialnia A room with a hut made of birch wood and some dark oak doors. There's a platform with carpets simulating a bed, and ladders leading to a balcony with a chest.
1x2_d3 Pokój grobowy A room with a shrine-like structure made out of cobblestone. Two Vindicators and an Evoker always spawn here.
1x2_d4 Giant Cat room A room with giant black cat made out of wool.
1x2_d5 Giant Chicken room A room with giant chicken made out of wool.
1x2_s1 Clean Chest room A secret, clean room with 1 chest, 4 dark oak fences and 4 torches
1x2_s2 Fake End Portal room A secret room with a platform of orange wool in the middle and a ring of green wool above it. A set of cobblestone stairs and cobblestone monster egg blocks allow access to the top of the wool ring, which has a trapped chest surrounded by two TNT blocks and containing two ender pearls. If the trap is sprung, the TNT will also break cobble stone monster egg blocks and swarm the player with silverfish.
1x2_se1 Roof-Chests room A secret room that is empty, and the walls have an indent on 4 blocks on each side. Has 2 chests above it
2x2_a1 Large Jail A room with four cells with cobblestone walls and a cauldron and brown carpets on the inside. A Vindicator always spawns here.
2x2_a2 Large Empty Storage room A room with a lot of double chests. The chests are all empty. A Vindicator always spawns here.
2x2_a3 Illager Statue room A room with a giant villager head made out of wool, with a giant torch in his left hand. A lapislazuli block is hidden inside the head.
2x2_a4 Pokój natury A room with flowing water and a dark oak tree.
2x2_b1 Large Dining room A room with many tables, and a chandelier on the roof. Two Vindicators and an Evoker always spawn here.
2x2_b2 Conference room A room with a table in a U-shape, with stairs all around it. A chandelier exists on the ceiling. Two Vindicators and an Evoker always spawn here.
2x2_b3 Large Library A library with three rows of bookshelves and seats made out of stairs.
2x2_b4 Map room A room with a colored carpet on the table, indicating as a map, as well as some bookcases. Two Vindicators and an Evoker always spawn here.
2x2_b5 Boxing room A room with an arena/stage surrounded with dark oak fences in the center. A ladder leading up to a balcony. A chest with loot can be found on the balcony.
carpet_east Hallways/Corridors group
carpet_north Hallyways/Corridors group
carpet_south Hallways/Corridors group
carpet_south_2 Hallways/Corridors group
carpet_west Hallways/Corridors group
carpet_west_2 Hallways/Corridors group
corridor_floor Hallways/Corridors group
entrance Front Stairs room A room with a staircase in the center, and three doors, one on every side of the room excluding the side with the staircase. Every Woodland Mansion has one of these, and it's always adjacent to the front door.
indoors_door Door group
indoors_door_2 Door group
indoors_wall Wall group
indoors_wall_2 Wall group
roof Roof group
roof_corner Roof group
roof_front Roof group
roof_inner_corner Roof group
room_template Template room Doesn't spawn in the Mansion. Spawning in the structure will result in a Flower Pot room/
small_wall Wall group
small_wall_corner Wall group
wall_corner Wall group
wall_flat Wall group
wall_window Wall group