Leśny dwór/Pokoje
Artykuł „Leśny dwór/Pokoje” jest w trakcie tłumaczenia. Możesz pomóc tłumacząc go.
Na tej stronie przedstawione zostały pokoje generujące się w leśnych posiadłościach.
Nazwa struktury | Nieoficjalna nazwa | Opis | Stworzony z |
1x1_a1 | Pokój z doniczkami | Pokój z 5 doniczkami stojącymi na bruku. | 49 Brzozowe deski
40 Bruk 5 Doniczka 2 Czosnek |
1x1_a2 | Pokój z drabinami i torami | Pokój z kręgiem z bruku dookoła ścian, z torami na górze i drabinami na ścianach kręgu. Na ścianie naprzeciwko drzwi wisi jedna dynia. | 49 Brzozowe deski
18 Tory 15 Drabina 12 Bruk 1 Dynia |
1x1_a3 | Biuro | Pokój z dwoma rodzajami stołów zrobionych z brukowych schodów i krzesłami. Na stołach znajduje się kilka doniczek z kwiatami. | 49 Brzozowe deski
8 Bruk 3 Doniczka |
1x1_a4 | Pokój z szachownicą | Pokój ze wzorem szachownicy na podłodze, ściany są pokryte dębowym płotem. Nad drzwiami jest ukryta skrzynia zawierająca łup podobny do tego z lochów. | 68 Dębowy płot,
49 Brzozowe deski, 15 Szary dywan, 13 Jasnoszary dywan, 1 Skrzynia (losowy łup). |
1x1_a5 | Pokój z brukiem i jedną doniczką na ścianie. | 49 Brzozowe deski,
46 Bruk, 1 Doniczka. | |
1x1_as1 | Pokój X | Sekretny pokój z brukowymi ścianami oraz skrzynią. | 120 Bruk,
49 Brzozowe deski, 1 Skrzynia (random loot). |
1x1_as2 | Pokój z pająkami | Sekretny pokój ze spawnerem pająków oraz dużą ilością pajęczyn. | 95 Pajęczyna,
49 Brzozowe deski, 1 Spawner potworów (pająk). |
1x1_as3 | Pokój z obsydianem | Sekretne pomieszczenie ze stertą obsydianu. Wewnątrz tej sterty znajduje się blok diamentu. | 49 Brzozowe deski,
19 Obsydian, |
1x1_as4 | Birch Pillar room | A secret room with 4 birch plank pillars that extend out at the top. | 85 Brzozowe deski. |
1x1_b1 | A room with a desk with a flower pot on top, as well as a structure made of birch fences and stairs. | 80 Brzozowe deski
1 Doniczka | |
1x1_b2 | Mała jadalnia | Pokój ze stołem i krzesłami. Ma on na sobie szary dywan i czarny na środku. | 49 Brzozowe deski |
1x1_b3 | Sypialnia z pojedynczym łóżkiem | Pokój z łóżkiem (zrobionym z dywanów), kominkiem (zrobionym z bruku) i drzewkiem bonsai (zrobionym z płotu i liści). | 49 Brzozowe deski
13 Bruk 2 Wełna |
1x1_b4 | Mała biblioteka | Pokój z biblioteczkami i doniczką w rogu. | 49 Brzozowe deski
20 Dębowe deski 12 Biblioteczka 1 Allium 1 Doniczka |
1x1_b5 | Pokój czosnku | Pokój z czosnkiem, pnączami, kociołkiem i skrzynią zawierającą czosnek. Dach zrobiony jest z płotu. | |
1x2_a1 | Pokój z konstrukcją na środku zrobioną z bruku i brukowych schodów, które ograniczają maleńkie, krótkie przejście ze sztandarem na końcu. Za konstrukcją znajduje się ukryta skrzynia. Obrońca zawsze się tu spawnuje. | ||
1x2_a2 | Farma pszenicy | A room with a wheat farm. The water in the farm is covered with Lily Pads. | |
1x2_a3 | Pokój kowala | A room with arches made of polished andesite. There's an anvil and, in a corner, two lava blocked encased by polished andesite to prevent burning. A Vindicator always spawns here. | |
1x2_a4 | Pokój z sadzonkami | A room with 2 layers of rows of dark oak saplings. Ladders go to the ceiling. There is a loot chest with dark oak saplings in it. | |
1x2_a5 | Oceaniczny pokój | Pokój ze stosem niebieskiej, jasno noebieskiej i turkusowej wełny. | |
1x2_a6 | Pokój drwala | A secret room containing a tree and a chest which always has an iron axe with Efficiency I. | |
1x2_a7 | Fama grzybów | A room with a mushroom farm, as well as a table, a chair and an empty chest. | |
1x2_a8 | Farma dyń i arbuzów | A room with a two-stage, pumpkin and melon farm. A Vindicator always spawns here. | |
1x2_a9 | Mały magazyn | .Pokój z dużą ilością pojedynczych skrzyń, które są puste. Vidicatory zawsze się tutaj spawnują. | |
1x2_b1 | Redstone Jaild | A room with a door-opening redstone circuit. The room is locked by 2 iron doors. There is a lever and some redstone dust to open both. Inside is a zone with cobblestone arches, with some brown carpets and a cauldron. A Vindicator always spawns here. | |
1x2_b2 | Małe więzienie | A room with a cell with cobblestone walls and a cauldron and brown carpets on the inside, and a chair and a table outside. A Vindicator always spawns here. | |
1x2_b3 | Wood Archway room | A room with a bunch of arches made of Dark Oak Wood. A chest exists at the room's end, containing loot. A Vindicator always spawns here. | |
1x2_b4 | Double Stairway room | A room with spiral staircase: a 1-wide, dead end, sloping and curving hallway that leads to a single chest, containing loot similar to that of a dungeon. | |
1x2_b5 | Pokój z twarzą | A room with an illager pixel art. | |
1x2_c_stairs | Curved Stairs room | Some stairs leading up, decorated with an illager pixel art. | |
1x2_c1 | Średnia jadalnia | A room with a table with a flower pot on it and stairs all around it. A chandelier exists on the ceiling. | |
1x2_c2 | Sypialnia z podwójnym łóżkiem | A room with pink and purple beds and a flower pot in the corner. | |
1x2_c3 | Sypialnia z trzema łóżkami | A room with 3 blue beds. Three Vindicators always spawn here. | |
1x2_c4 | Średnia biblioteka | A room with many bookcases and a table in the center with two chests and two flower pots on it. | |
1x2_d_stairs | Straight Stairs room | Some stairs leading up, decorated with an illager pixel art. | |
1x2_d1 | Główna sypialnia | A room with a regal bed and three sun banners. | |
1x2_d2 | Dziecięca sypialnia | A room with a hut made of birch wood and some dark oak doors. There's a platform with carpets simulating a bed, and ladders leading to a balcony with a chest. | |
1x2_d3 | Cmentarz | A room with a shrine-like structure made out of cobblestone. Two Vindicators and an Evoker always spawn here. | |
1x2_d4 | Pokój z gigantycznym kotem | A room with giant black cat made out of wool. | |
1x2_d5 | Pokój z gigantycznym kurczakiem | A room with giant chicken made out of wool. | |
1x2_s1 | Pusty pokój ze skrzynią | A secret, clean room with 1 chest, 4 dark oak fences and 4 torches | |
1x2_s2 | Pokój z fałszywym potralem Kresu | A secret room with a platform of orange wool in the middle and a ring of green wool above it. A set of cobblestone stairs and cobblestone monster egg blocks allow access to the top of the wool ring, which has a trapped chest surrounded by two TNT blocks and containing two ender pearls. If the trap is sprung, the TNT will also break cobble stone monster egg blocks and swarm the player with silverfish. | |
1x2_se1 | Stryszek | A secret room that is empty, and the walls have an indent on 4 blocks on each side. Has 2 chests above it | |
2x2_a1 | Duże więzienie | A room with four cells with cobblestone walls and a cauldron and brown carpets on the inside. A Vindicator always spawns here. | |
2x2_a2 | Duży pusty magazyn | A room with a lot of double chests. The chests are all empty. A Vindicator always spawns here. | |
2x2_a3 | Statua osadnika | A room with a giant villager head made out of wool, with a giant torch in his left hand. A lapislazuli block is hidden inside the head. | |
2x2_a4 | Pokój natury | A room with flowing water and a dark oak tree. | |
2x2_b1 | Duża jadalnia | A room with many tables, and a chandelier on the roof. Two Vindicators and an Evoker always spawn here. | |
2x2_b2 | Pokój konferencyjny | A room with a table in a U-shape, with stairs all around it. A chandelier exists on the ceiling. Two Vindicators and an Evoker always spawn here. | |
2x2_b3 | Duża biblioteka | A library with three rows of bookshelves and seats made out of stairs. | |
2x2_b4 | Pokój z mapą | A room with a colored carpet on the table, indicating as a map, as well as some bookcases. Two Vindicators and an Evoker always spawn here. | |
2x2_b5 | Pokój z ringiem bokserskim | A room with an arena/stage surrounded with dark oak fences in the center. A ladder leading up to a balcony. A chest with loot can be found on the balcony. | |
carpet_east | Hallways/Corridors group | ||
carpet_north | Hallyways/Corridors group | ||
carpet_south | Hallways/Corridors group | ||
carpet_south_2 | Hallways/Corridors group | ||
carpet_west | Hallways/Corridors group | ||
carpet_west_2 | Hallways/Corridors group | ||
corridor_floor | Hallways/Corridors group | ||
entrance | Front Stairs room | A room with a staircase in the center, and three doors, one on every side of the room excluding the side with the staircase. Every Woodland Mansion has one of these, and it's always adjacent to the front door. | |
indoors_door | Door group | ||
indoors_door_2 | Door group | ||
indoors_wall | Wall group | ||
indoors_wall_2 | Wall group | ||
roof | Roof group | ||
roof_corner | Roof group | ||
roof_front | Roof group | ||
roof_inner_corner | Roof group | ||
room_template | Template room | Doesn't spawn in the Mansion. Spawning in the structure will result in a Flower Pot room/ | |
small_wall | Wall group | ||
small_wall_corner | Wall group | ||
wall_corner | Wall group | ||
wall_flat | Wall group | ||
wall_window | Wall group |
Geografia | |||||||||||||||||||
Niebo | |||||||||||||||||||
Wymiary | |||||||||||||||||||
Typy świata |
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Układy generowane |
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Stworzone | |||||||||||||||||||
Materia | |||||||||||||||||||
Muzyka | |||||||||||||||||||
Pogoda | |||||||||||||||||||
Usunięte |