
Splash – żółta, ukośna linijka tekstu widoczna pod logiem gry na ekranie tytułowym. Splashe są losowo wybierane z listy poniżej i często nawiązują do kultury popularnej (np. stron internetowych, cytatów i gier wideo). Splash pulsuje na ekranie z częstotliwością 2 Hz (120 BPM).
Splashe nie są tłumaczone i pojawiają się po angielsku bez względu na wybrany język.
Lokalizacja[edytuj | edytuj kod]
Java Edition[edytuj | edytuj kod]
Splashe znajdują się w pliku tekstowym splashes.txt
w minecraft.jar (.minecraft/versions/version/numer_wersji.jar/assets/minecraft/texts/splashes.txt
Treść splashy można zmieniać za pomocą edycji tego pliku.
Bedrock Edition[edytuj | edytuj kod]
Splashe znajdują się w specjalnym pliku .json
Lista splashów[edytuj | edytuj kod]
#[U 1] | Tekst splasha | Tłumaczenie | Objaśnienie | Dodany w wersji...[U 2] |
185 | ...! | – | – | Alpha 1.0.14 |
304 | .party()! | W języku programowania Java metody (funkcje) obiektów są wykonywane za pomocą powyższego kodu. Dla przykładu: dodając na początku tytuł gry, otrzymamy "Minecraft.party()", co oznacza: "wykonaj metodę party obiektu Minecraft". | 1.3.1 (1.3-pre) | |
<PLAYERNAME> IS YOU | <NAZWA_GRACZA> TO TY | Nawiązanie do gry logicznej Baba Is You. Jest to jedyny splash, który nie jest obecny w pliku splashes.txt. Imię gracza również jest napisane wielkimi literami. | 1.14 (19w12a) | |
120 | 1% sugar! | 1% cukru! | Chwalenie się małą zawartością cukru w produktach żywnościowych jest często używane w ich reklamach. Przed wersją 1.9 splash brzmiał "0% sugar!". | Alpha 1.0.0 |
3 | 100% pure! | W 100% czysty! | Nawiązanie do niektórych soków, które reklamuje się hasłem "W 100% czysty", lub inną jego wariacją[1]. | Indev |
386 | 10 years of Mining and Crafting! | 10 lat Kopania i Wytwarzania! | Splash dodany z okazji dziesiątych urodzin Minecrafta. | 1.14.1 |
53 | 12 herbs and spices! | 12 ziół i przypraw! | Parodia tajnej receptury przyprawy do kurczaka KFC, składającej się z 11 ziół i przypraw. | 1.15.1 |
179 | 12345 is a bad password! | 12345 to kiepskie hasło! | 12345 jest łatwym do odgadnięcia hasłem. Jest to też prawdopodobnie nawiązanie do cytatu z filmu Kosmiczne jaja w reżyserii Mela Brooksa. | Alpha 1.0.14 |
279 | 150 bpm for 400000 minutes! | 150 uderzeń na minutę przez 400000 minut! | Nawiązanie do ciąży: 400000 minut to w przybliżeniu 9 miesięcy, a 150 uderzeń na minutę to przeciętne tempo bicia serca płodu. | 1.0.0 (RC1) |
121 | 150% hyperbole! | 150% hiperboli! | Hiperbola to wyolbrzymienie jakiś cech. 150% to, naturalnie, przesada. | Alpha 1.0.0 |
128 | 20 GOTO 10! | – | Nawiązanie do języka programowania BASIC. Kiedy został wykonany, wiersz tworzył nieskończoną pętlę ciągle wykonującą ponownie każdą instrukcję znajdującą się w wierszu 10 (zazwyczaj polecenie PRINT). | Alpha 1.0.0 |
133 | 4815162342 lines of code! | 4815162342 linijki kodu! | 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 to Liczby które pojawiły się w serialu Zagubieni. | Alpha 1.0.0 |
51 | 90% bug free! | W 90% wolny od błędów! | – | Indev |
230 | 90210! | – | 90210 to kod pocztowy Beverly Hills w Kalifornii. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
134 | A skeleton popped out! | Wyskoczył szkielet! | Nawiązanie do troll-creepypasty "AND THEN A SKELETON POPPED OUT", wyśmiewającej przewidywalne oraz (często specjalnie) kiepsko napisane creepypasty. | Alpha 1.0.0 |
360 | Absolutely fixed relatively broken coordinates | Całkowicie naprawione względnie zepsute współrzędne | Dziennik zmian snapshota 16w20a zawiera nieprzetłumaczalną na język polski grę słów na temat naprawy zepsutych koortydantów bezwzględnych (absolute) i względnych (relative). | 1.10 (16w21b) |
55 | Absolutely no memes! | Absolutnie żadnych memów! | – | Indev |
274 | Afraid of the big, black bat! | Bój się dużego, czarnego nietoperza! | Cytat Człowieka-Zagadki z filmu Batman Forever. Jest to też prawdopodobnie nawiązanie do Smoka Endu. | 1.0 (RC1) |
77 | Age of Wonders is better! | Age of Wonders jest lepsze! | Age of Wonders strategiczną grą turową. Często jest porównywana z Civilization, która również jest strategiczną grą turową. | Indev |
375 | Ahhhhhh! | – | – | 1.14 (19w13a) |
95 | All inclusive! | Wszystko wliczone w cenę! | – | Indev |
103 | All is full of love! | Wszystko jest pełne miłości! | All Is Full of Love to utwór islandziej piosenkarki Björk. | Alpha v1.0.0 |
370 | All rumors are true! | Wszystkie plotki są prawdziwe! | Nawiązanie do tweeta Michaela Stroyke'a. | 1.13 (18w20b) |
214 | "Almost never" is an interesting concept! | "Prawie nigdy" to interesujący koncept! | Prawdopodobnie jest to nawiązanie do odwrotności matematycznego pojęcia "prawie na pewno". | Beta 1.0 |
241 | Also try Braid! | Spróbuj też Braida! | Braid to dwuwymiarowa gra platformowo-logiczna opierająca się na manipulowaniu czasem. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
239 | Also try Limbo! | Spróbuj też Limbo! | Limbo to dwuwymiarowa gra platformowo-logiczna opierająca się na przemierzaniu świata pełnego niebezpieczeństw i unikaniu sprytnych pułapek. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
236 | Also try Mount And Blade! | Spróbuj też Mount And Blade! | Mount&Blade to gra fabularna o tematyce średniowiecznej. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
240 | Also try Pixeljunk Shooter! | Spróbuj też Pixeljunk Shooter! | PixelJunk Shooter to dwuwymiarowa strzelanka. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
237 | Also try Project Zomboid! | Spróbuj też Project Zomboid! | Project Zomboid to gra z zombie o tematyce apokaliptycznej. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
234 | Also try Super Meat Boy! | Spróbuj też Super Meat Boy'a! | Super Meat Boy to dwuwymiarowa gra platformowa z bardzo wysokim poziomem trudności. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
235 | Also try Terraria! | Spróbuj też Terrarii! | Terraria to dwuwymiarowa gra platformowa podobna do Minecrafta. Odpowiednikiem splashy w Terrarii są wiadomości tytułowe; jedna z nich brzmi "Also try Minecraft!" (Spróbuj też Minecrafta!). | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
233 | Also try VVVVVV! | Spróbuj też VVVVVV! | VVVVVV to dwuwymiarowa gra platoformowo-logiczna opierająca się na manipulowaniu grawitacją. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
238 | Also try World of Goo! | Spróbuj też World of Goo! | World of Goo to dwuwymiarowa gra logiczna oparta na fizyce. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
367 | An illusion! What are you hiding? | Iluzja! Co ukrywasz? | Nawiązanie do mema z gry World of Warcraft (powiązany ze splashem 373). Jest to także nawiązanie do dziennika zmian snapshota 17w16a, w którym poinformowano o dodaniu do gry iluzjonera. | 1.12 (1.12-pre7) |
349 | Any computer is a laptop if you're brave enough! | Każdy komputer jest laptopem, jeżeli jesteś wystarczająco odważny! | – | 1.8 (1.8-pre1) |
206 | A riddle, wrapped in a mystery! | Zagadka owiana tajemnicą! | Cytat Winstona Churchilla. | Beta 1.0 |
1 | As seen on TV! | Jak w telewizji! | Powszechne hasło reklamowe. | Indev |
57 | Ask your doctor! | Zapytaj swojego lekarza! | Podobne do "As seen on TV!". Często słyszane w reklamach produktów medycznych. | Indev |
212 | "Autological" is! | "Autologiczne" jest! | Słowo autologiczne to słowo, które opisuje samo siebie. Przed wersją 1.0 RC1 splash brzmiał ""Noun" is autonym!" (""Rzeczownik" to autonim!"). | Beta 1.0 |
161 | Autonomous! | Autonomiczny! | – | Alpha 1.0.14 |
45 | Awesome community! | Fantastyczna społeczność! | – | Indev |
384 | Awesome game design right there! | Oto świetne zaprojektowana gra! | Nawiązanie do filmu youtubera _MethodZz_, w którym wielokrotnie użyto tego sformułowania przy opisywaniu błędów w wersji 1.14. | 1.14.1 (1.14.1-pre1) |
2 | Awesome! | Fantastyczny! | – | Indev |
186 | Bees, bees, bees, bees! | Pszczoły, pszczoły, pszczoły, pszczoły! | Nawiązanie do animacji autorstwa Weebl'a. Splash pojawił się w grze na długo przed dodaniem do niej pszczół. | Alpha 1.0.14 |
299 | Bekarton guards the gate! | Bekarton strzeże bramy! | Nawiązanie do postaci z gry Whispers in Akarra autorstwa Jeba. | 1.3.1 (12w22a) |
10 | Best in class! | Najlepszy w swojej klasie! | Często używany slogan w reklamach samochodów. | Indev |
298 | Big Pointy Teeth! | Duże Szpiczaste Zęby! | Nawiązanie do morderczego Królika z Caerbannog z filmu Monty Python i Święty Graal - Tim Czarodziej, jedna z postaci, opisał go jako straszna bestia z "paskudnymi, dużymi, szpiczastymi zębami". Wielokrotnie nawiązywano do postaci zabójczego królika, pojawił się on w grze Whispers in Akarra autorstwa Jeba oraz w samym Minecraftcie - patrz: królik zabójca. | 1.3.1 (12w22a) |
248 | Bigger than a bread box! | Większy od chlebaka! | Nawiązanie do pytania "Czy to jest większe od chlebaka?" zadanego przez Steve'a Allena podczas gry w 20 pytań w amerykańskim teleturnieju What's My Line?. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
330 | Blue warrior shot the food! | Niebieski wojownik zastrzelił jedzenie! | Nawiązanie do gry automatowej Gauntlet. | 1.8 (14w20a) |
361 | Boats FTW | 1.10 (16w21b) | ||
259 | Boots with the fur! | Buty z futrem! | Cytat z utworu Low amerykańskiego rapera Flo Ridy, z gościnnym udziałem T-Paina. | 1.0 (RC1) |
243 | Bread is pain! | Chleb to ból! | Ten splash ma dwa znaczenia: jedno związane z tłumaczeniem ("pain" to po francusku "chleb") i drugie ironiczne (chleb w Minecrafcie przywraca punkty głodu, lecząc gracza). | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
84 | Bring it on! | Dawaj! | Indev | |
140 | Bring me Ray Cokes! | Sprowadź mi Ray'a Cokesa! | Alpha 1.0.0 | |
63 | Bringing home the bacon! | Przynoszenie do domu bekonu! | Wyrażenie "Brining home the bacon" jest podobne do wyrazu "breadwinner" (dosł. "żywiciel rodziny"), odnoszącego się do utrzymania grupy ludzi lub gospodarstwa domowego. | Indev |
136 | BTAF used to be good! | BTAF był kiedyś dobry! | Bob the Angry Flower to komiks wydawany od 1992 roku. | Alpha 1.0.0 |
113 | Buckets of lava! | Wiaderka lawy! | Wiadro może być wypełnione lawą. | Alpha 1.0.0 |
389 | Buzzy Bees! | Brzęczące Pszczoły! | Nazwa aktualizacji 1.15, w której dodano pszczoły. | 1.15 (1.15-pre3) |
86 | Call your mother! | Zadzwoń do swojej matki! | Indev | |
223 | Casual gaming! | Swobodne granie! | Beta 1.8 (pre1) | |
66 | Ceci n'est pas une title screen! | To nie jest ekran tytułowy! | "Ceci n'est pas une" znaczy po francusku "To nie jest"; zwrot ten dotyczy obrazu La Trahison des images (pl. Zdradliwość obrazów) autorstwa René Magritte przedstawiającego fajkę z podpisem "Ceci n'est pas une pipe." ("To nie jest fajka.").
Gdyby splash był w całości napisany w języku francuskim, brzmiałby: "Ceci n'est pas un texte d'accueil!". |
Indev |
19 | Check it out! | Sprawdź to! | Indev | |
231 | Check out the far lands! | Odwiedź odległe lądy! | Odległe lądy były "limitem" nieskończonej mapy do momentu, kiedy Notch przypadkowo naprawił je w wersji Beta 1.8. Jak na ironię, splash ten został dodany już po usunięciu odległych lądów z gry. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) |
276 | Child's play! | Dziecinna zabawa! | Child's play to organizacja charytatywna, która organizuje darowizny i dostarcza zabawki do szpitali dziecięcych. Zwrot ten oznacza jednocześnie coś dziecinnie prostego (dosł. "bułka z masłem"). | 1.0 (RC1) |
41 | Classy! | Szykowny! | Indev | |
40 | Closed source! | Zamknięte oprogramowanie! | Minecraft jest obecnie oprogramowaniem zamkniętym co oznacza, że jego kod źródłowy nie został publicznie udostępniony. Jednak Notch wspomniał, że to się może zmienić "kiedy sprzedaż zacznie maleć oraz minie wystarczająco dużo czasu"; wtedy prawdopodobnie opublikuje grę jako oprogramowanie otwarte lub domenę publiczną[2]. | Indev |
59 | Cloud computing! | Chmura obliczeniowa! | Chmura obliczeniowa jest popularną usługą informatyczną. | Indev |
132 | Cogito ergo sum! | Myślę, więc jestem! | Cytat Kartezjusza. | Alpha 1.0.0 |
107 | Collaborate and listen! | Współpracuj i słuchaj! | Cytat z utworu Ice Ice Baby amerykańskiego rapera Vanilla Ice. | Alpha 1.0.0 |
296 | Colormatic | – | Ten splash jest zapisany w pliku splashes.txt jako "§1C§2o§3l§4o§5r§6m§7a§8t§9i§ac"; "§" i znak po nim ustalają kolor tekstu - patrz: kody kolorów. | 1.1 (11w50a) |
71 | Complex cellular automata! | Both Minecraft and an earlier work of Notch's feature cellular automata; Notch has stated that he is fascinated by it. | Indev | |
153 | Consummate V's! | Refers to an episode of Homestar Runner. | Alpha v1.0.11 | |
262 | Conventional! | 1.0.0 (RC1) | ||
154 | Cow Tools! | Refers to a Far Side comic by Gary Larson. | Alpha v1.0.11 | |
34 | Create! | Indev | ||
342 | Cruising streets for gold! | Line from the song "Americano" by "The Brian Setzer Orchestra"[3] | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
286 | Cześć Polsko! | Polish for "Hello, Poland!". Before 1.3.2 Pre-release, the splash was "Cześć Polska". | 1.1 (11w50a) | |
270 | Déjà vu! | A déjà vu is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation. | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
271 | Déjà vu! [U 3] | |||
350 | Do it all, everything! | 1.8.2 | ||
131 | Do not distribute! | Part of the Minecraft terms and conditions; referred to as "The one major rule" by Notch. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
317 | Do you want to join my server? | Relates to people in the community asking others to join their multiplayer servers. | 1.8 (14w05a) | |
266 | Does barrel rolls! | Refers to a move that can be performed by the Arwing in Star Fox games. In Star Fox 64, the humorous way in which Peppy Hare said "Do a barrel roll!" led to the creation of a meme. | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
264 | Doesn't avoid double negatives! | A double negative is where two forms of negation are used in the same sentence. This sentence itself uses double negatives. | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
275 | Doesn't use the U-word! | 1.0.0 (RC1) | ||
253 | Don't bother with the clones! | Relates to the numerous "clones" of Minecraft, such as Total Miner: Forge, and perhaps an ironic reference to the fact that Minecraft conceptually is itself a "clone" of Infiniminer, and therefore clones might not be negative remakes of other games. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) | |
301 | Don't feed avocados to parrots! | Avocados are poisonous to birds. This splash was added long before the parrot mob. |
1.3.1 (1.3-pre) | |
365 | Don't feed chocolate to parrots! | Chocolate is poisonous to birds. This splash was added during the same development updates as the parrot mob. |
1.12 (17w15a) | |
198 | Don't look directly at the bugs! | Alpha v1.2.0 | ||
376 | Don’t worry, be happy! | "Don’t Worry, Be Happy" is a song by American jazz artist Bobby McFerrin. | 1.14 (19w13a) | |
354 | doot doot | "doot-doot, thank mr skeltal" is a phrase related to the skull trumpet meme. The splash was added at the time skeleton trap horses were added to the game. | 1.9 (15w38b) | |
155 | Double buffered! | A common screen rendering technique that Minecraft uses. | Alpha v1.0.11 | |
39 | Down with O.P.P.! | Line from the song "O.P.P." by American hip hop trio "Naughty by Nature". | Indev | |
164 | DRR! DRR! DRR! | Refers to the horror manga short story The Enigma of Amigara Fault. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
36 | Dungeon! | Indev | ||
229 | DungeonQuest is unfair! | Dungeonquest is a board game whose gameplay relies on the players creating the playing board by randomly selecting tiles and placing them on a grid. | Beta 1.8 (pre1) | |
162 | Engage! | Refers to the Star Trek saying "Engage!" by Jean-Luc Picard, a signal to act on previously given orders. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
50 | Enhanced! | Indev | ||
194 | Eple (original edit)! | Title of a piece by Norwegian electronic music duo Röyksopp. | ||
67 | Euclidian! | Minecraft worlds are mostly made up of one of the simplest forms of Euclidian geometry, the cube. | Indev | |
13 | Excitement! | Indev | ||
37 | Exclusive! | Indev | ||
31 | Exploding creepers! | Reference to the beloved creeper in the game. | Indev | |
322 | Extra things! | 1.8 (14w05a) | ||
119 | Falling off cliffs! | Often happened accidentally before sneaking was implemented. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
355 | Falling with style! | Said by Woody about Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story (1995), "That wasn't flying, that was falling with style!". Added soon after elytra were added to the game. | 1.9 (15w42a) | |
156 | Fan fiction! | Alpha v1.0.11 | ||
163 | Fantasy! | Alpha v1.0.14 | ||
54 | Fat free! | Often an advertising point on food, directed at people attempting to lose or keep from gaining weight. | Indev | |
258 | Feature packed! | RC1 | ||
257 | Finally complete! | A reference to the fact that Minecraft has finally left Beta. While it may have been "officially released", it is (in reality) far from "complete" and continually being developed.[4] | RC1 | |
200 | Finally with ladders! | Ladders were added to the game in Infdev. | Alpha v1.2.0 | |
141 | Finger-licking! | "Finger-lickin' good" was a previous slogan of KFC. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
8 | Flashing letters! | Referring to the flashing of the splash text itself. | Indev | |
332 | Flavor with no seasoning! | Line from the song "Just Don't Give" by Eminem. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
157 | Flaxkikare! | A reference to Bobo, a children's comic created by Swedish cartoonist Lars Mortimer, in which the title character had a magical spyglass called the Flaxkikare, which can be translated to English as "lucky spyglass" or "happiness/flash telescope". | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
250 | Fnord! | Fnord is the typographic representation of disinformation or irrelevant information. | Beta 1.8 Pre-release | |
226 | Follow the train, CJ! | A reference to the mission "Wrong Side Of The Tracks" in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. | Beta 1.8 Pre-release | |
90 | Freaky! | Indev | ||
56 | Free dental! | Free dental is often a talking point about a job advertisement, and is similar to "As seen on TV". | Indev | |
278 | From the streets of Södermalm! | Södermalm is the district in Stockholm where the Mojang offices are located.[5] | RC1 | |
104 | Full of stars! | Part of a quote from Dr. David Bowman ("The thing's hollow—it goes on forever—and—oh my God—it's full of stars!") and his last line before being pulled through the monolith, from the novel 2001: A Space Odyssey (while often attributed to the film of the same name, the line doesn't actually appear on-screen until its sequel, 2010: The Year We Make Contact). However, Minecraft is full of stars. They are square pixels on the screen that appear at nighttime. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
281 | Funk soul brother! | A repeated lyric in a vocal sample in the Fatboy Slim song "The Rockafeller Skank". The sample comes from the beginning of the song "Vinyl Dog Vibe" by Vinyl Dogs. | RC1 | |
297 | FUNKY LOL | This splash is stored as "§kFUNKY LOL" in splashes.txt; as with the "Colormatic" splash, the "§k" is a formatting code, but instead of changing the color of the following text, the code obfuscates the text, replacing it with random, rapidly-changing characters. | 1.1 (11w50a) | |
147 | Gargamel plays it! | Gargamel is the enemy of the Smurfs. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
184 | Gasp! | Alpha v1.0.14 | ||
337 | Getting ready to drop! | Line from the song "Skeletons" by Stevie Wonder. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
339 | Getting ready to freak! | Line from the song "Skeletons" by Stevie Wonder. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
336 | Getting ready to know! | Line from the song "Skeletons" by Stevie Wonder. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
338 | Getting ready to shock! | Line from the song "Skeletons" by Stevie Wonder. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
335 | Getting ready to show! | Line from the song "Skeletons" by Stevie Wonder. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
340 | Getting ready to speak! | Line from the song "Skeletons" by Stevie Wonder. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
269 | Ghoughpteighbteau tchoghs! | "Potato chips", spelled phonetically using obscure rules of English pronunciation.[6] | 1.0 (RC1) | |
347 | /give @a hugs 64 | A reference to the command /give . If minecraft:hugs were an item, this would give all players 64 hugs.
1.8 (14w26a) | |
176 | Give us Gordon! | A possible reference to Gordon Freeman, the protagonist of the Half-Life game, in which the military troops wrote "Give Us Gordon Freeman" in graffiti. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
352 | GNU Terry Pratchett | Refers to the internet tribute for Terry Pratchett, where the text "X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett" is added to the headers of websites (see this article for more information). | 1.8.5 | |
380 | Go to the dentist! | It is often recommended for people to have dentist appointments twice a year. | 1.14 (19w13a) | |
174 | Google anlyticsed! | A past-tense misspelling of Google Analytics, a service that provides statistics about visitors to a website. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
272 | Got your nose! | Most likely based on an old joke where one person grabs someone's nose, then moves their hand away with their own thumb though the middle of their two first fingers. | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
65 | GOTY! | A common abbreviation for "Game of the Year". Minecraft has been nominated — and voted — Game of the Year by a number of gaming magazines and news sites. | Indev | |
82 | Guaranteed! | A common marketing term. | Indev | |
189 | Haha, LOL! | Alpha v1.0.14 | ||
273 | Haley loves Elan! | A reference to the webcomic The Order of the Stick, in which Haley Starshine has a long-concealed crush on Elan and eventually starts a relationship with him. | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
190 | Hampsterdance! | Hampster Dance is one of the oldest internet memes. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
111 | Han shot first! | A contentious scene in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. In the original version of the film, Han Solo pulls out his blaster and shoots Greedo before he knows it. In the special edition, Greedo shoots and misses, followed by Han shooting him. This was one of many changes to the film that angered fans. In their plight, they adopted the phrase 'Han shot first'. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
61 | Hard to label! | Indev | ||
256 | Has an ending! | A reference to the The End. | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
100 | Haunted! | This splash predates the creation of Herobrine (the story of which was posted no earlier than the Alpha v1.0.16_02 update) and therefore has nothing to do with it. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
16 | Heaps of hits on YouTube! | Minecraft is among the most popular topics on YouTube. Notch's channel is rarely updated, but has received over a million views, 16 million video views, and 91,394 subscribers. User-created tutorial and demonstration videos, "Let's Play" series, Machinimas and various other videos are also very common. Prior to Alpha v1.0.0(?), this read "700+ hits on YouTube!". | Indev | |
285 | Helo Cymru! | Welsh for "Hello, Wales!". | 1.1 (11w50a) | |
70 | Herregud! | Swedish for "Oh My God!". | Indev | |
20 | Holy cow, man! | Indev | ||
263 | Homeomorphic to a 3-sphere! | A "homeomorphism" is a mathematical property indicating that there is a continual topological mapping between two objects; in layman's terms, there exists a way to deform one into the other without cutting or gluing. A "3-sphere" is a sphere in 3 dimensions, or the set of points equidistant from a given center in 4-space, a higher-dimensional analog of the "2-sphere" (what is thought of as an ordinary sphere.) Possibly a reference to the Poincaré Conjecture. | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
80 | Hot tamale, hot hot tamale! | Line from the Weebl song "Tamale". | Indev | |
159 | Hotter than the sun! | Alpha v1.0.14 | ||
207 | Huge tracts of land! | A quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, describing the "assets" of a bride-to-be. Also, refers to the large areas of terrain present in Minecraft. | Beta 1.0 | |
312 | HURNERJSGER? | A reference to a comment on Reddit about villager sounds. Speaking of, villagers seem to say HURNER? JS-GER. | 1.6.1 (13w23a) | |
308 | I have a suggestion. | 1.4.6 | ||
137 | I miss ADOM! | Ancient Domains of Mystery is a very old, but popular and unique rogue-like game, featuring a world made completely of ASCII characters for graphics, dungeons (random and infinite), and monsters, but also many (optional) storylines that help hold all the features together to stop it from becoming boring. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
374 | I need more context. | 1.14 (19w13a) | ||
292 | I see your vocabulary has improved! | A reference to "Lands of Lore 2", a 1997 game by Westwood Studios.[7] | 1.1 (11w50a) | |
193 | idspispopd! | The no-clip command for Doom, which allows flying and passing through walls. | ||
295 | if not ok then return end | This is Lua script code for exiting a function if the variable "ok" is false or nil (not initialized/not set). | 1.1 (11w50a) | |
17 | Indev! | Indev was the second major version of Minecraft, after Classic. It was succeeded by Infdev. | Indev | |
64 | Indie! | Minecraft was a game developed independently. | Indev | |
213 | Information wants to be free! | Slogan referring to the fact that keeping information contained tends to be more difficult than allowing it to disseminate. | Beta 1.0 | |
30 | Ingots! | Iron and gold ingots are obtainable in the game. | Indev | |
69 | Inspirational! | Indev | ||
160 | Internet enabled! | This splash was added around the time when multiplayer was reintroduced to the game. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
388 | In case it isn't obvious, foxes aren't players. | Reference to the Mojira bug tracker ticket MC-166292, in which foxes are referred to as players upon teleporting after eating chorus fruit. | 1.15 (1.15-pre3) | |
383 | It came from space. | Reference to @zarawesome's tweet in which it's said that Minecraft comes from space. | 1.14 (19w14a) | |
341 | It swings, it jives! | Line from the song "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" by the band Queen. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
21 | It's a game! | Minecraft is a game. | Indev | |
11 | It's finished! | Prior to Minecraft Java Edition 1.0.0 RC1, this read "When it's finished!". | Indev | |
218 | It's groundbreaking! | Beta 1.6 | ||
9 | It's here! | Prior to Minecraft 1.0.0 RC1, this splash read "Coming soon!". | Indev | |
187 | Jag känner en bot! | Swedish for "I know a bot". Refers to the first line of the song "Boten Anna" by the Swedish dance artist, Basshunter. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
158 | Jason! Jason! Jason! | The main character of the game Heavy Rain yells "Jason!" repeatedly while looking for his son, linked to a famous glitch involving it. Also, possibly a reference to the famous Friday the 13th slasher movies, in which the background music usually includes the echoing voice of Jason's mother whispering "Jason! Jason! Jason! Kill! Kill! Kill!" | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
362 | Javalicious edition | Referring to Szablon:El. Also a portmanteau of "Java Edition" and "Delicious". | 1.11 (16w32a) | |
221 | Jeb has amazing hair! | Referring to Mojang employee Jens Bergensten having long, red hair. | Beta 1.8 (Pre-released) | |
205 | Joel is neat! | May refer to Canadian electronic music composer deadmau5, whose real name is Joel Zimmerman. | Beta 1.0 | |
204 | Jump up, jump up, and get down! | "Jump Around" by American hip hop group "House of Pain". | Beta 1.0 | |
48 | Kaaneeeedaaaa! | Refers to the Japanese anime film Akira. | Indev | |
28 | Keyboard compatible! | Minecraft is playable with a keyboard. | Indev | |
245 | Khaaaaaaaaan! | A reference to the scene in The Wrath of Khan when Captain Kirk screams Khan's name. | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | |
165 | Kick it root down! | Lyrics from the song "Root Down" by American hip hop band "Beastie Boys". | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
12 | Kind of dragon free! | It may be a possible reference to a quote from Wurm Online, wherein Notch states that "we will never add dragons". Dragons were eventually added, however. The same thing happened in Minecraft with the addition of the ender dragon in Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4. Before RC1, this splash read "Absolutely dragon free!". | Indev | |
225 | Kinda like Lemmings! | Lemmings is a game which also features mining, digging and blowing things up. | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | |
127 | Kiss the sky! | A reference to the lyrics from "Purple Haze" by American guitarist Jimi Hendrix. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
33 | l33t! | Leet is a type of symbolic spelling in which letters are replaced by lookalike numbers, punctuation, other symbols, and even characters from other languages. For example, "hello" is written as "|-|3110". | Indev | |
115 | Larger than Earth! | The theoretical maximum size of the map in Minecraft is roughly eight times the total surface area of the Earth. However, technical restrictions mean that the actual maximum size is much smaller, though still larger than the Earth. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
60 | Legal in Finland! | May be a reference to the urban legend that Donald Duck was illegal in Finland. May also be a reference to the fact that the sale of snus (Swedish tobacco) is illegal in Finland. | Indev | |
291 | Lennart lennart = new Lennart(); | "Lennart" is a Swedish variant of the name "Leonard". This is Java code (the programming language that Minecraft is written in) that creates a new instance of Lennart, named "lennart", of type "Lennart". | 1.1 (11w50a) | |
246 | Less addictive than TV Tropes! | TV Tropes is very addictive. | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | |
219 | Let our battle's begin! | Probably a reference to Bob the Angry Flower. | Beta 1.6 | |
123 | Let's danec! | A reference to a typo Notch made while working on Wurm Online. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
227 | Leveraging synergy! | A common example of business speak. | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | |
126 | Lewd with two dudes with food! | A line from "If You're Into It" by Flight of the Conchords. Prior to Alpha v1.0.14, this splash read "Rude with two dudes with food!". | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
7 | Limited edition! | A common marketing term. | Indev | |
181 | Lives in a pineapple under the sea! | Part of the opening line of the theme song for the animated series SpongeBob SquarePants. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
99 | Livestreamed! | Minecraft is livestreamed on many platforms. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
382 | Look mum, I’m in a splash! | 1.14 (19w13a) | ||
215 | Lots of truthiness! | A reference to Stephen Colbert's favorite word "truthiness". | Beta 1.3 | |
88 | Loved by millions! | Minecraft has millions of sales. | Indev | |
83 | Macroscopic! | Indev | ||
255 | Made by Jeb! | Jeb became the lead Minecraft developer once Notch stepped down from developing it in 2011. This splash was added by Notch.[8] | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
22 | Made in Sweden! | A parody of the very well-known phrase "Made in _" (China, Taiwan, Japan, Mexico, etc.), based on Mojang being centered in Sweden. | Indev | |
344 | Make me a table, a funky table! | Line from the song "Funkhauser" by Hard 'n Phirm. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
182 | MAP11 has two names! | Doom II: Hell on Earth's MAP11. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
151 | Matt Damon! | May refer to Team America: World Police, in which Matt Damon can only say his name. | Alpha v1.0.11 | |
4 | May contain nuts! | A common food allergen warning. | Indev | |
267 | Meeting expectations! | 1.0.0 (RC1) | ||
192 | Menger sponge! | The Menger sponge is a fractal object constructed by dividing a cube into 27 smaller cubes and removing the smaller center cube from each of the larger cube's six faces and the smaller cube in the larger cube's center, and repeating this operation for each remaining smaller cube, and then for each of the even smaller cubes, and so on. A Menger sponge can be exactly represented in Minecraft up to the fifth iteration. | ||
249 | Millions of peaches! | A possible reference to the "The Presidents of the United States of America" song Peaches, which features the line "Millions of peaches!". | Beta 1.8 (pre1) | |
25 | Minecraft! | The name of the game. | Indev | |
390 | Minecraft Java Edition presents: Disgusting Bugs | Pun on the word "Bugs"; referring to both software bugs, and actual animal bugs. It is also a reference to the 1.15 Pre-Release article. | 1.15 (1.15-pre3) | |
58 | Minors welcome! | A pun on the spelling of 'miners'. | Indev | |
300 | Mmmph, mmph! | 1.3.1 (12w26a) | ||
87 | Monster infighting! | Aggressive mobs can attack one another if the player can get one mob to accidentally attack another. | Indev | |
353 | More Digital! | 1.9 (15w33a) | ||
247 | More addictive than lemonade! | Beta 1.8 (pre1) | ||
5 | More polygons! | Most of today's video games, including Minecraft, are visually based on polygons. | Indev | |
14 | More than 500 sold! | In Indev and Infdev, this splash originally read "More than 5000 sold!". In Alpha v1.0.0, it was changed to read "More than 25000 sold!", and between Alpha v1.0.12 and Alpha v1.0.14, it was changed to the current splash, making it one of three splashes to be changed more than once | Indev | |
98 | Music by C418! | The large majority of Minecraft's music was composed by C418. | Indev | |
290 | My life for Aiur! | Aiur is the homeworld of the protoss in the StarCraft video game series. The phrase is typically said by Protoss Zealots. | 1.1 (11w50a) | |
108 | Never dig down! | Digging directly down is never recommended, since there could be a long drop, a dungeon, mobs or lava below the player. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
112 | Nice to meet you! | Alpha v1.0.0 | ||
106 | Not as cool as Spock! | Spock is a very popular Star Trek character. Prior to 1.8.5, this splash read "Cooler than Spock!". Leonard Nimoy who played Spock died on February 27, 2015, one week after the release of 1.8.3 and 84 days before the text was changed in Spock’s favor. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
110 | Not linear! | As Minecraft is a sandbox game, there is no actual storyline to follow; the game's appeal instead lies in emergent gameplay. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
43 | Not on steam! | Steam is an online service used to distribute many Indie games, as well as Valve games. Minecraft is not sold via Steam, but only on the Minecraft website. | Indev | |
314 | Now contains 32 random daily cats! | A reference to a Twitter user who sent pictures of cats to Mojang every day until stained glass was added to Minecraft. There are 32 stained glass blocks. | 1.7.2 (13w41a) | |
68 | Now in 3D! | Minecraft had a 3D Anaglyph mode until 17w43a. Even though 3D Anaglyph was removed in 17w43a, the splash still exists. Additionally, Minecraft takes place in a 3D world. | Indev | |
310 | Now Java 8! | Support for Java 5 was dropped in Minecraft 1.6.1. Before Szablon:Vlink, this splash read "Almost java 6!". Before 1.12, this splash read "Now Java 6!". This splash is one of three splashes that were changed more than once, and the only one that has been changed three times. | 1.4.6 | |
175 | Now supports åäö! | These characters are not part of the standard 26-character Latin alphabet, but are used in the Swedish alphabet (many Scandinavian languages use such extended versions of the Latin alphabet). Minecraft now supports these characters in in-game input fields. Prior to (some version), this splash read "Now supports ÅÄÖ!". | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
321 | Now with additional stuff! | Since the release of Minecraft, there have been many updates through subsequent updates which have added new features to the game. | 1.8 (14w05a) | |
49 | Now with difficulty! | Difficulty may be set to Peaceful, Easy, Normal, or Hard. | Indev | |
309 | Now with extra hugs! | 1.4.6 | ||
327 | Now With Multiplayer! | Does not reference the similar line "Updated for multiplayer" in the mod Wedge.[9] | 1.8 (14w17a) | |
97 | NP is not in P! | The P versus NP problem is widely considered the most important unsolved problem in computer science. In layman's terms, the problem asks if certain problems are inherently much more difficult than others, measured by the computation time needed to solve them. | Indev | |
145 | Octagonal! | Alpha v1.0.0 | ||
44 | Oh man! | Indev | ||
199 | Oh, ok, Pigmen! | Zombie pigmen may be found in the Nether. | Alpha v1.2.0 | |
139 | OICU812! | When read aloud, "Oh, I see you ate one, too." Most likely a reference to the Van Halen album "OU812", but may also be a reference to text messaging. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
183 | Omnipotent! | Alpha v1.0.14 | ||
320 | One day, somewhere in the future, my work will be quoted! | 1.8 (14w05a) | ||
15 | One of a kind! | Indev | ||
74 | OpenGL 2.1 (if supported)! | Another technology used by Minecraft. Prior to 1.8 (14w06a), this read "Open GL 1.2!". Prior to Minecraft 1.0 RC1, this read "OpenGL 1.1!". This splash is one of three that have been changed more than once. | Indev | |
268 | PC gaming since 1873! | The slogan of the UK-based PC gaming blog Rock, Paper, Shotgun.[10] | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
130 | Peter Griffin! | Head of the family from the animated TV show Family Guy. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
385 | Ph1lza had a good run! | Refers to the YouTuber and Twitch streamer Ph1lza (Phil Watson). He is best known for losing his record breaking hardcore world after surviving for over five years (2014 to 2019). | 1.14.1 | |
117 | Phobos anomaly! | The final map of Doom's first episode. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
387 | Ping the human! | 1.14.4 (1.14.4-pre3) | ||
46 | Pixels! | Reference of Minecraft's texture. | Indev | |
265 | Place ALL the blocks! | A snowclone meme originating from a post on the blog "Hyperbole and a Half", which contained an image with the phrase "Clean ALL the things!". | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
379 | Plant a tree! | Saplings become trees after a certain amount of time. | 1.14 (19w13a) | |
81 | Play him off, keyboard cat! | Keyboard Cat is an internet meme wherein after someone makes an embarrassing mistake a cat is shown playing a keyboard, frequently accompanied by the phrase "play him off, keyboard cat". | Indev | |
202 | Play Minecraft, Watch Topgear, Get Pig! | Added during the yearly LRR Desert Bus charity drive.
References Top Gear, a popular British motoring show. |
Alpha v1.2.3Szablon:Check version | |
73 | Played by cowboys! | Indev | ||
316 | pls rt | Shortened form of "please retweet", in relation to Twitter. | 1.8 (14w05a) | |
303 | Plz reply to my tweet! | References how people on Twitter often request for a Mojangsta to reply to their tweet, often of a bug report, feature request, or question. | 1.3.1 (1.3-pre) | |
143 | Pneumatic! | A word meaning "air-powered". Possibly a reference to the Aldous Huxley novel, Brave New World, in which "pneumatic" was used to denote a good thing. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
101 | Polynomial! | Polynomials. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
325 | Popping tags! | A reference to Macklemore's "Thrift Shop".[11] | 1.8 (14w10a) | |
52 | Pretty! | Indev | ||
307 | Pretty scary! | References the Pretty Scary Update. | 1.4.2 (12w36a) | |
282 | Pumpa kungen! | "Pumpa kungen" is Swedish for "pump the king". It might also be interpreted as "the pumpkin king", though if so it's slightly misspelled with a very common Swedish spelling error. | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
254 | Pumpkinhead! | Pumpkins are wearable as helmets in Minecraft. | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | |
118 | Punching wood! | While not strictly necessary, it is nearly impossible to start a new world without collecting wood, which, lacking tools, must be done by punching it. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
318 | Put a little fence around it! | Refers to the "Catbug" episode of the YouTube series "Bravest Warriors". | 1.8 (14w05a) | |
306 | Put that cookie down! | Said by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Christmas movie Jingle All the Way. | 1.4.2 (12w32a) | |
85 | Random splash! | Different splash texts appear randomly, just like this one. | Indev | |
372 | Rainbow turtle? | 1.14 (19w13a) | ||
244 | Read more books! | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | ||
125 | Reference implementation! | Refers to reference implementations. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
166 | Regional resources! | Alpha v1.0.14 | ||
359 | Replaced molten cheese with blood? | In snapshot 16w21a, there was a graphical bug making lava appear blood-red, and when that was fixed, Searge compared lava to molten cheese and blood.[12] | 1.10 (16w21b) | |
150 | Representing Edsbyn! | Edsbyn is a village in Sweden with around 4000 residents; Notch lived in Edsbyn for the first years of his life. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
24 | Reticulating splines! | Refers to a running gag during loading processes in many games of The Sims and Spore series by Maxis. | Indev | |
114 | Ride the pig! | Pigs can be ridden with a saddle. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
328 | Rise from your grave! | Refers to the arcade game Altered Beast | 1.8 (14w20a) | |
148 | Rita is the new top dog! | Refers to old Australian TV show, Prisoner. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
358 | Rule #1: it's never my fault | Searge posted this on Twitter, in regards to the lava texture being blood-red in 16w21a.[13] | 1.10 (16w21b) | |
331 | Run, coward! I hunger! | Refers to the arcade game Sinistar, which includes the lines "Beware, I live!," "I hunger, coward!," "Run! Run! Run!," "Beware, coward!", "I hunger!," and "Run, coward!". | 1.8 (14w20a) | |
222 | Ryan also has amazing hair! | Referring to former Mojang employee Ryan Holtz having long, brown hair. | 1.7.4 | |
201 | Scary! | Refers to the Halloween Update. | Alpha v1.2.0 | |
105 | Scientific! | Alpha v1.0.0 | ||
277 | See you next Friday or so! | MineCon started on Friday, November 18, 2011, a little less than a week after the release of the Minecraft Java Edition 1.0.0 release candidates. | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
124 | Seecret Friday update! | Before Minecraft went Beta, updates were released weekly, every Friday. Notch called these updates "Seecret Friday updates". | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
79 | Sensational! | Indev | ||
6 | Sexy! | Indev | ||
363 | Should not be played while driving | Nie należy grać podczas jazdy | Jedna z aktualizacji do gry Pokémon Go dodała ostrzeżenie dla graczy, którzy przemieszczają się za szybko[14]. | 1.11 (16w33a) |
27 | Singleplayer! | Minecraft was, at the time, a one-player game. | Indev | |
196 | Slow acting portals! | Portals to the Nether (but not the End) take a few seconds to activate, although in Creative mode, they are instant. In addition, it is satire on many claims about cleaning products i.e. "Fast acting stain remover" or "Fast acting solvent". | Alpha v1.2.0 | |
195 | So fresh, so clean! | "So Fresh, So Clean" is a song by American hip hop duo Outkast. | ||
373 | Something funny! | 1.14 (19w13a) | ||
368 | Something's not quite right... | Reference to a World of Warcraft meme (goes together with splash 372). | 1.12 (1.12-pre7) | |
324 | So sweet, like a nice bon bon! | Refers to a line in the song "Body Movin'" by American hip hop group the Beastie Boys. | 1.8 (14w10a) | |
18 | Spiders everywhere! | Indev | ||
116 | sqrt(-1) love you! | Mathematical confession using imaginary numbers. Imaginary numbers, including sqrt(-1) are represented by the mathematical constant i, so this phrase translates to "i love you".
Alpha v1.0.0 | |
209 | Stay a while, stay forever! | A quote from Impossible Mission, a game for the Commodore 64. | Beta 1.0 | |
210 | Stay a while and listen! | A quote from Elder Deckard Cain from the Diablo series. | Beta 1.0 | |
346 | Stop being reasonable, this is the Internet! | Searge posted this quote on Twitter.[15] | 1.8 (14w26a) | |
260 | Stop, hammertime! | A phrase from the song "U Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer. /stophammertime was also an example command used in the Minecraft JE 1.2.5 changelog.[16]
1.0.0 (RC1) | |
333 | Strange, but not a stranger! | Line from the song "Burning Down the House" by the band Talking Heads. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
144 | Sublime! | A term that flourished in the Romance period, used to describe a feeling of simultaneous wonder and terror at natural phenomena- quite apt for many a player's experience of the game. (Additionally, the German Romance painter Friedrich's "The Wanderer above the Sea of Fog", frequently cited as a prototypical example of the sublime in art, is the source for an in-game painting.) | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
152 | Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! | The famous song from Disney's Mary Poppins. Before Minecraft RC1, it read "Superfragilisticexpialidocious!"; Notch hinted it may have been a hidden message.[17] | Alpha v1.0.11 | |
35 | Survive! | Survival was once the only given objective in the game, although more objectives were added with the inclusion of Achievements. | Indev | |
191 | Switches and ores! | Redstone is used to create switches, and many types of ore can be found. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
149 | SWM forever! | SWM stands for "Single White Male". | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
302 | Swords for everyone! | 1.3.1 (1.3-pre) | ||
122 | Synecdoche! | A synecdoche (Greek for "simultaneous understanding") is a figure of speech where an object or concept is represented by a part or subconcept. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
343 | Take an eggbeater and beat it against a skillet! | Line from the song "Funkhauser" by Hard 'n Phirm. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
109 | Take frequent breaks! | A common warning found in health and safety booklets for electronic games. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
305 | Take her pillow! | 1.4.2 (12w32a) | ||
345 | Take the elevator to the mezzanine! | Line from the song "Super Bon Bon" by Soul Coughing. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
62 | Technically good! | Indev | ||
280 | Technologic! | Title of a song by French electronic music duo Daft Punk. | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
47 | Teetsuuuuoooo! | Refers to the Japanese anime film Akira. | Indev | |
96 | Tell your friends! | Indev | ||
102 | Terrestrial! | Alpha v1.0.0 | ||
261 | Testificates! | In the Beta 1.8 and 1.9 pre-releases, all villagers had the name "TESTIFICATE" over their head. | 1.0.0 (RC1) | |
369 | Thank you for the fish! | Reference to the addition of fish entities in the Update Aquatic. Most likely a reference to So long, and Thanks for All the Fish". | 1.13 (18w15a) | |
32 | That's no moon! | Famous quote from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The full quote is "That's no moon, it's a space station!". Prior to Minecraft 1.0 RC1, this splash read "That's not a moon!". | Indev | |
315 | That's Numberwang! | A reference to "That Mitchell and Webb Look", a British television sketch show starring David Mitchell and Robert Webb. | 1.8 (14w02a) | |
242 | That's super! | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | ||
38 | The bee's knees! | A 1920s slang phrase of unknown etymology, though it possibly originated in Britain. Predates the addition of bees. | Indev | |
216 | The creeper is a spy! | "The […] is a spy!" is a common phrase used in Team Fortress 2 to warn other players of enemy spies; the Spy is a class that is able to disguise as the enemy team and kill them from behind, which creepers tend to do. | Beta 1.3 | |
220 | The sky is the limit! | A common phrase, meaning that there are very few limits to projects. Also, no blocks can be placed above the map height, commonly referred to as the "sky" or "sky box". | Beta 1.6 | |
135 | The sum of its parts! | Reference to the living systems theory. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
366 | The true meaning of covfefe | Reference to a tweet by US President Donald Trump whose misspelling went viral during the week of the release of 1.12. | 1.12 (1.12-pre7) | |
142 | Thematic! | Alpha v1.0.0 | ||
356 | There's no stopping the Trollmaso | From an Oct 6, 2015 tweet by Jens Bergensten: "I didn't want a hypetrain but there's no stopping "Trollmaso", right? =) Yes, new dramatic feature, likely out in the next snapshot." "Trollmaso" refers to the Twitter account @trollmasso, active since August 2015, whose name "Trollmasso ChiChi" was a play on former MCPE developer Tommaso Checchi. Jeb was referring to elytra in that tweet. |
1.9 (15w42a) | |
348 | This is good for Realms. | Realms is a server-hosting service run by Mojang. Most likely a reference to the "This is Good for Bitcoin" meme. | 1.8 (14w32a) | |
251 | This is my true form! | A common cliché stock phrase usually used by villains and godly figures in works of fantasy. It is mainly employed at the final battle of the game. | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | |
228 | This message will never appear on the splash screen, isn't that weird? | This is the first splash that doesn't end with an exclamation point (!), other than the special "missingno" splash. As its text implies, the splash is never displayed in Java Edition (but displays in other editions)Szablon:Verify. | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | |
188 | This text is hard to read if you play the game at the default resolution, but at 1080p it's fine! | The splash text scales to fit, making this particular splash difficult to read at lower resolutions. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
75 | Thousands of colors! | Alias for highcolor (16-bit), which can represent up to 65,536 colors, on a Macintosh. Minecraft uses 32-bit colors (24 bits for color and 8 bits for opacity), which can represent around 16.7 million colors (16,777,216) with each color having 256 opacity values. | Indev | |
319 | Throw a blanket over it! | Refers to the "Catbug" episode of the YouTube series "Bravest Warriors". | 1.8 (14w05a) | |
357 | Throw yourself at the ground and miss | From the Douglas Adams book Life, the Universe and Everything: "'The Guide says there is an art to flying', said Ford, 'or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.'". This splash was added shortly after elytra were added. | 1.9 (15w42a) | |
177 | Tip your waiter! | A phrase commonly said by comedians at the end of their performances. Other variations are "Tip your waitress!" or "Try the veal!".[18] | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
252 | Totally forgot about Dre! | Reference to the song Forgot about Dre by Dr. Dre. | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | |
334 | Tougher than diamonds, rich like cream! | Line from the song "The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the News. | 1.8 (14w25a) | |
211 | Treatment for your rash! | A commonly-used phrase in medicine advertising. | Beta 1.0 | |
371 | Truly gone fishing! | Lyrics from the song "The Trial" by British progressive rock band Pink Floyd. | 1.13 (1.13-pre8) | |
76 | Try it! | Indev | ||
78 | Try the mushroom stew! | A reference to mushroom stew. | Indev | |
197 | Try the Nether! | A reference to the Nether. | Alpha v1.2.0 | |
203 | Twittered about! | Notch often tweeted about Minecraft on his Twitter feed, as still do many other people. | Beta 1.0 | |
217 | Turing complete! | Turing completeness is a term used in computer science for machines and programming languages that are able to perform all operations of a Turing machine. The redstone mechanism is one of them. | Beta 1.3 | |
232 | Tyrion would love it! | Refers to Tyrion Lannister, the dwarf from the George R. R. Martin book A Dance With Dragons, in which he is forced to watch fellow dwarves belittled in a mock pig joust. Minecraft allows the player to ride pigs and perform such jousts. Before Minecraft 1.0 RC1, this splash read "Tyrian would love it!". | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | |
89 | Ultimate edition! | A common marketing term. | Indev | |
138 | umop-apisdn! | The phrase "upside-down", upside-down. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
224 | Undefeated! | Beta 1.8 (Pre-release) | ||
29 | Undocumented! | Indev | ||
146 | Une baguette! | Literally "a stick" in French, a baguette is a kind of bread. Minecraft also features bread and sticks. This could also be a reference to the Flight of the Conchords song "Foux Du Fafa". | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
93 | Uninflammable! | A joke on the fact that "inflammable" is often mistaken to mean "not flammable" due to the "in-" prefix. | Indev | |
23 | Uses LWJGL! | Minecraft uses LWJGL. | Indev | |
129 | Verlet intregration! | Verlet integration is a technique often used to calculate trajectories of particles. | Alpha v1.0.0 | |
178 | Very fun! | Alpha v1.0.14 | ||
326 | Very influential in its circle! | A reference to a Comedy routine on Russell Howard's Good News done by Hannibal Buress, where he states "I'm very influential in my circle."[19][20] | 1.8 (14w17a) | |
180 | Vote for net neutrality! | Net neutrality is a principle that advocates no restrictions by Internet service providers or governments on consumers' access to networks that participate in the internet. | Alpha v1.0.14 | |
329 | Warning! A huge battleship "STEVE" is approaching fast! | Refers to the shoot'em up arcade game Darius Gaiden, where the message is displayed before encountering a boss. In the splash, the word "STEVE" is used as a placeholder for the name of the boss in the game. | 1.8 (14w20a) | |
377 | Water bottle! | A glass bottle can be filled with water. | 1.14 (19w13a) | |
92 | Water proof! | A common marketing term. | Indev | |
208 | Welcome to your Doom! | The boss quote from Altered Beast. The capitalization of "Doom" also hints at it being a reference to the game, Doom. | Beta 1.0 | |
381 | What do you expect? | 1.14 (19w13a) | ||
378 | What’s the question? | 1.14 (19w13a) | ||
313 | What's up, Doc? | Reference to Dinnerbone being killed by MindCrack member Docm77 during the first episode of MindCrack UHC Season 11,[21][22] based on Looney Tunes character Bugs Bunny, who commonly greeted people by saying "What's Up Doc?" | 1.6.1 (13w23a) | |
351 | Where there is not light, there can spider! | One of Ryan Holtz's "personal memes". According to a forum post on Mame World,[23] the phrase was "said by a mutual friend, drunk beyond belief, who had never played Minecraft." | 1.8.2 | |
293 | Who put it there? | Kto to tam położył? | – | 1.1 (11w50a) |
94 | Whoa, dude! | Wow, gościu! | – | Indev |
311 | Woah. | – | – | 1.4.6 |
169 | Woo, /v/! | – | The video game board on 4chan, where Minecraft is frequently discussed (and was occasionally promoted by Notch). | Alpha v1.0.14 |
167 | Woo, facepunch! | – | Facepunch was a game forum. It has since shut down, but this splash is still in the game. | Alpha v1.0.14 |
172 | Woo, reddit! | – | Reddit is a popular online news and entertainment site driven by user-submitted content. | |
173 | Woo, 2pp! | – | A reference to 2 Player Productions, the company behind Minecraft: The Story of Mojang. | Beta 1.3Szablon:Check version |
168 | Woo, somethingawful! | – | SomethingAwful is an internet site. | Alpha v1.0.14 |
170 | Woo, tigsource! | – | TIGSource is an indie game development forum where Notch originally posted Minecraft.[24] | Alpha v1.0.14 |
171 | Woo, worldofminecraft! | – | World of Minecraft to forum na temat gry. | Alpha v1.0.14 |
42 | Wow! | – | – | Indev |
26 | Yaaay! | – | – | Indev |
323 | Yay, puppies for everyone! | Hurra, szczeniaczki dla wszystkich! | – | 1.8 (14w06a) |
72 | Yes, sir! | Tak, sir! | – | Indev |
294 | You can't explain that! | Nie umiesz tego wyjaśnić! | Nawiązanie do mema zawierającego zdjęcie amerykańskiego dziennikarza Billa O'Reilly'ego i opis jakiegoś niezrozumiałego zjawiska z podpisem "YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN IT". | 1.1 (11w50a) |
364 | You're going too fast! | Idziesz za szybko! | Jedna z aktualizacji do gry Pokémon Go dodała ostrzeżenie dla graczy, którzy przemieszczają się za szybko[14]. | 1.11 (16w33a) |
91 | You've got a brand new key! | Masz nowy klucz! | Nawiązanie do piosenki Brand New Key amerykańskiej piosenkarki folkrockowej Melanie. | Indev |
289 | Γεια σου Ελλάδα! | Cześć Grecja! | Napis w języku greckim. | 1.1 (11w50a) |
288 | Привет Россия! | Cześć Rosja! | Napis w języku rosyjskim. | 1.1 (11w50a) |
283 | 日本ハロー! | Cześć Japonia! | Napis w języku japońskim. | 1.1 (11w50a) |
284 | 한국 안녕하세요! | Cześć Korea Południowa! | Napis w języku koreańskim. | 1.1 (11w50a) |
287 | 你好中国! | Cześć Chiny! | Napis w języku chińskim uproszczonym. | 1.1 (11w50a) |
- ↑ Liczba ta określa linijkę, w której znajduje się splash w pliku splashes.txt; w samym jednak pliku splashe nie są w żaden sposób ponumerowane.
- ↑ Dokładna wersja, w której dodany został dany splash nie jest zawsze znana, w takich przypadkach podana została najwcześniejsza wersja, w której był on obecny.
- ↑ This splash is intentionally a duplicate, and is part of the joke, see MC-75202
Splashe tylko w Pocket Edition[edytuj | edytuj kod]
Są w tej wersji również splashe, których nie ma nigdzie indziej.
# | Tekst splasha | Tłumaczenie | Objaśnienie | Dodany w wersji... |
??? | Ported Implementation! | Przeniesiona realizacja! | Odniesienie do przeniesienia wersji PC na Pocket Edition i wprowadzania funkcji przez stopniowe zmiany. | Alpha 0.7.3 |
??? | 100% Dragon Free! | W 100% bez Smoka! | W Pocket Edition nie ma smoka kresu i może on nie być dodany. | Alpha 0.7.3 |
??? | 100% More Yellow Text! | 100% więcej żółtego tekstu! | Dodanie splashów | Alpha 0.7.3 |
??? | Touch Compatible! | Kompatybilne z dotykiem! | Więksość platform, na których używane jest Pocket Edition. | Alpha 0.7.3 |
??? | Uses C++! | Używa C++! | Wersja Pocket Edition jest napisana w języku C++. | Alpha 0.7.3 |
??? | D | D | Prawdopodobnie nie dokończony splash/błąd. | Alpha 0.7.3 |
??? | Quite Indie! | Całkowicie niezależny! | Alpha 0.7.3 |
Specjalne splashe[edytuj | edytuj kod]
Okazjonalnie Mojang zamienia wszystkie normalne splashe na pojedynczy splash widoczny przez ustalony czas. Do wersji 1.2.5 te splashe znajdowały się w pliku xt.class, w nowszych wersjach znajdują się w głównym pliku gry (tj. net\minecraft\client\Minecraft.class)
Tekst splasha | Tłumaczenie | Data/wersja | Okazja |
1K in 24h! | 1K w 24h! | 29 lipca 2010 Alpha 1.0.13_02 |
Pokazane by uczcić 1000 sprzedaży w ostatnie 24 godziny przed wydaniem. |
[DO NOT DISTRIBUTE] | [NIE ROZPOWSZECHNIAĆ] | — | Pokazane na Halloween Update pre-release wydany na PCGamer jako podgląd. |
Finally Beta! | W końcu Beta! | 20 grudnia 2010-14 stycznia 2011 Beta 1.0-Beta 1.2 |
Wyłączając "Merry X-Mas!" i "Happy New Year!" był to jedyny splash od wersji Beta 1.0 do Beta 1.2. Beta 1.2_01 przywróciła losowe splashe. |
Happy Birthday, ez! | Wszystkiego najlepszego, ez! | 9 września 2010 9 września 2011 |
Pokazane na urodziny ez. |
Happy Birthday, Notch! | Wszystkiego najlepszego, Notch! | 1 czerwca 2010 1 czerwca 2011 |
Pokazane na urodziny Notcha. |
Happy New Year! | Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! | Pokazane na Nowy Rok. | 1 stycznia 2010 1 stycznia 2011 |
Merry X-Mas! | Wesołych Świąt! | 24 grudnia 2010 24 grudnia 2011 |
Pokazane w Wigilię Bożego Narodzenia. |
missingno | — | Pokazane kiedy plik splashes.txt zostanie zmodyfikowany lub usunięty bez usunięcia folderu META-INF. Nawiązanie do Pokémona-błędu w Pokémon Red i Blue. | |
PC Gamer Demo! | — | Ten splash jest tylko na PC Gamer Demo. | |
OOoooOOOoooo! Spooky! | OOoooOOOoooo! Straszny! | 31 października 2012 | Pokazane na Halloween. |
Zmienione splashe[edytuj | edytuj kod]
- Notatka: aktualne wersje wszystkich splashów są udokumentowane powyżej; nie potrzebują one tłumaczeń ani objaśnień w tej sekcji.
Originalny splash | Zmieniony splash | Zmieniony w wersji... |
700+ hits on YouTube! | Heaps of hits on YouTube! | Alpha 1.0.0? |
Absolutely dragon free! | Kind of dragon free! | 1.0 RC1 |
Coming soon! | It's here! | 1.0 RC1 |
Cześć Polska! | Cześć Polsko! | 1.3.2 Pre-release |
More than 5000 sold! | More than 25000 sold! | Alpha 1.0.0? |
More than 25000 sold! | More than 500 sold! | Pomiędzy Alpha 1.0.12 a Alpha 1.0.14 |
Notch <3 Ez! | Notch <3 ez! | Pomiędzy Alpha 1.0.5_01 a Alpha 1.0.11 |
"Noun" is an autonym! | "Autological" is! | 1.0 RC1 |
Now supports ÅÄÖ! | Now supports åäö! | Pomiędzy Alpha 1.0.15 a Alpha 1.2.0 |
OpenGL 1.1! | OpenGL 1.2! | 1.0 RC1 |
Rude with two dudes with food! | Lewd with two dudes with food! | Pomiędzy Alpha 1.0.12 a Alpha 1.0.14 |
SOPA means LOSER in Swedish | SOPA means LOSER in Swedish! | 1.3 Pre-release |
Superfragilisticexpialidocious! | Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! | 1.0 RC1 |
That's not a moon! | That's no moon! | 1.0 RC1 |
Tyrian would love it! | Tyrion would love it! | 1.0 RC1 |
When it's finished! | It's finished! | 1.0 RC1 |
Usunięte splashe[edytuj | edytuj kod]
Kiedy splash zostaje usunięty, numer, który zajmował w pliku splashes.txt też, zmniejszając numer wszystkich następnych splashów o jeden.
Tekst splasha | Tłumaczenie | Objaśnienie | Dodany w wersji... | Usunięty w wersji... | Numer przed usunięciem |
9.95 euro! | Cena wersji Alpha Minecrafta była niższa o połowę końcowej ceny. | Indev lub wcześniej | Beta 1.2 | 48 | |
Alpha version! | Wersja Alpha! | Wersja Alpha Minecrafta. | Indev lub wcześniej | Beta 1.2 | 30 |
Check it out! | Wypróbuj to! | Duplikat splashu "Check it out!" w 21 linijce. | pre-Halloween Update | Beta 1.8 pre1 | 47 |
Half price! | Pół ceny! | Cena wersji Alpha Minecrafta była niższa o połowę końcowej ceny | Indev lub wcześniej | Beta 1.2 | 49 |
Pre-beta! | Przed beta! | Wersja Alpha Minecrafta. | Indev lub wcześniej | Beta 1.2 | 1 |
Dostosowywanie splashów[edytuj | edytuj kod]
Plik splashes.txt może być edytowany. Przed zamienieniem oryginalnych splashów należy usunąć folder META-INF; inaczej będzie się pokazywał tylko splash "missingno".
Minecraft 2.0[edytuj | edytuj kod]
W Minecraft 2.0, napisy były szersze i czcionka miała kolor fioletowy.
Historia[edytuj | edytuj kod]
Splashe obecne są w Minecrafcie od wersji Indev. Nowe są dodawane regularnie, zazwyczaj jako część większych aktualizacji. Przed wersją Alpha 1.0.14 splashe były przechowywane w szeregu linijek w kodzie źródłowym.
Poniższa tabela podsumowuje zmiany w splashach na przestrzeni wersji:
Wersja | Dodane | Zmienione | Usunięte | Razem | Uwagi | |
Indev | ? | ? | ? | 106 | One splash, "Check it out!", was listed twice prior to this version, in spots 22 and 51. | |
Alpha 1.0.0 | 53 | 2 | 0 | 159 | ||
Alpha 1.0.6 - Alpha 1.0.11 | 6 | 1 | 0 | 165 | ||
Alpha 1.0.12 - Alpha 1.0.14 | 34 | 2 | 0 | 199 | ||
Alpha 1.2.0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 211 | ||
Alpha 1.2.3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 212 | ||
Beta 1.0 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 224 | ||
Beta 1.2 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 220 | The removed splashes were about Alpha's price and state. | |
Beta 1.3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 223 | ||
Beta 1.6 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 226 | ||
Beta 1.8 | Pre-release | 35 | 0 | 1 | 260 | The removed splash was the "Check it out!" duplicate on line 47. |
1.0.0 | RC1 | 28 | 8 | 0 | 288 | |
1.1 | 11w50a | 15 | 0 | 0 | 303 | |
oficjalne wydanie | 1 | 0 | 0 | 304 | ||
1.3.1 | 12w22a | 2 | 0 | 0 | 306 | |
12w26a | 1 | 0 | 0 | 307 | ||
1.3-pre | 4 | 1 | 0 | 311 | ||
1.4.2 | 12w32a | 2 | 0 | 0 | 313 | |
12w36a | 1 | 0 | 0 | 314 | ||
1.4.6 | 1.4.6-pre | 4 | 0 | 0 | 318 | |
1.6.1 | 13w23a | 2 | 0 | 0 | 320 | |
1.7.2 | 13w41a | 1 | 0 | 0 | 321 | |
1.7.4 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 322 | ||
1.8 | 14w02a | 1 | 0 | 0 | 323 | |
14w05a | 7 | 0 | 0 | 330 | ||
14w06a | 1 | 1 | 0 | 331 | ||
14w10a | 2 | 0 | 0 | 333 | ||
14w17a | 2 | 0 | 0 | 335 | ||
14w20a | 4 | 0 | 0 | 339 | ||
14w25a | 14 | 0 | 0 | 353 | ||
14w26b | 2 | 0 | 0 | 355 | ||
14w32a | 1 | 0 | 0 | 356 | ||
14w33a | 0 | 1 | 0 | 356 | ||
1.8-pre1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 357 | ||
1.8.2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 359 | ||
1.8.5 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 359 | The splash removed was "Notch <3 ez!" – Notch had departed from Mojang at this time. | |
1.9 | 15w33a | 1 | 0 | 0 | 360 | |
15w38b | 1 | 0 | 0 | 361 | ||
15w42a | 3 | 1 | 1 | 363 | The splash removed was "SOPA means LOSER in Swedish!" – the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the United States had not been an issue for several years.
The changed splash was "0% sugar", which was changed to "1% sugar" | |
1.10 | 16w21b | 4 | 0 | 0 | 367 | |
1.11 | 16w32a | 1 | 0 | 0 | 368 | |
16w33a | 2 | 0 | 0 | 370 | ||
1.12 | 17w14a | 0 | 1 | 0 | 370 | "Now Java 6!" changed to "Now Java 8!" |
17w15a | 1 | 0 | 0 | 371 | ||
1.12-pre7 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 374 | ||
1.12.1 | 17w31a | 0 | 0 | 1 | 373 | The splash removed was "Better than Prey!" |
1.13 | 18w15a | 1 | 0 | 0 | 374 | |
18w20b | 1 | 0 | 0 | 375 | ||
1.13-pre8 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 376 | ||
1.14 | 19w12a | 1 | 0 | 1 | 376 | The splash removed was "Hobo humping slobo babe!" |
19w13a | 11 | 0 | 3 | 384 | Removed splashes referencing Notch. | |
19w14a | 1 | 0 | 0 | 385 | ||
1.14.1 | pre1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 386 | |
oficjalne wydanie | 2 | 0 | 0 | 388 | ||
1.14.2 | pre4 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 387 | The splash "Woo, minecraftforum!" was removed as the forum announced it would be shutting down.[25] |
1.14.4 | pre3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 388 | |
1.15 | pre3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 391 | |
1.15 - 1.16 | 19w34a - | 14 | 0 | 391 (all) | 14 | Changed the list of available splashes to give advice relating to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.[26] |
Wersja | Dodane | Zmienione | Usunięte | Razem | Uwagi |
Błędy[edytuj | edytuj kod]
- Splashe "Colormatic" i "...!" czasami pojawiają się po lewej.
- Splash "Colormatic" czasami nie jest kolorowy.
Przypisy[edytuj | edytuj kod]
- ↑ http://twitter.com/notch/status/49121829410975745
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ https://twitter.com/themogminer/status/397746557547589633
- ↑ https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/135993912702672896
- ↑ https://twitter.com/notch/status/27457305081
- ↑ http://www.economist.com/node/11920829
- ↑ http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/2ao3dp/10_things_you_might_not_know_in_minecraft/cixd8pk
- ↑ https://twitter.com/notch/status/190167506890129409
- ↑ https://twitter.com/themogminer/status/459592166927773697
- ↑ https://twitter.com/notch/status/136010450247753729
- ↑ https://twitter.com/themogminer/status/459687136535797761
- ↑ https://twitter.com/seargedp/status/735818238802702337
- ↑ https://twitter.com/SeargeDP/status/735761862365569024
- ↑ 14,0 14,1 https://pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/en/post/update-080816/
- ↑ https://twitter.com/SeargeDP/status/476619831232708608
- ↑ http://mcupdate.tumblr.com/post/20471062706
- ↑ https://twitter.com/notch/status/71462127361200128
- ↑ http://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/41/messages/463.html
- ↑ https://twitter.com/themogminer/status/459686842250854400
- ↑ https://twitter.com/themogminer/status/459686980734185472
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlYoYxO0acc&t=10m25s
- ↑ https://www.mojang.com/2013/06/minecraft-snapshot-13w23a/
- ↑ http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=339376&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1
- ↑ http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=6273.0
- ↑ Szablon:Link
- ↑ http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/fkt9jf/anchor_yourself_to_the_nether_snapshot_20w12a_is/fkusz7y?context=1