Kody formatowania

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Książka pokazująca przykładowe formatowanie tekstu.

Tekst w Minecraft może być formatowany za pomocą paragrafu (§). W normalnym trybie rozgrywki (bez modyfikacji i pluginów) wprowadzenie tego znaku jest możliwe tylko w książce z piórem. Opcjonalnie, można użyć zewnętrznych programów, aby wpisać znak § w innych miejscach.

Kody kolorów

Messages sent from the server to the client can contain color codes, which allow coloring of text for various purposes.

A section sign (§) followed by a hex digit in the message tells the client to switch colors while displaying text.

Kod Oficjalna nazwa Nazwa techniczna Foreground Color Kolor tła
R G B Hex R G B Hex
§0 Czarny black 0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 000000
§1 Ciemny niebieski dark_blue 0 0 170 0000AA 0 0 42 00002A
§2 Ciemny zielony dark_green 0 170 0 00AA00 0 42 0 002A00
§3 Ciemny błękitny dark_aqua 0 170 170 00AAAA 0 42 42 002A2A
§4 Ciemny czerwony dark_red 170 0 0 AA0000 42 0 0 2A0000
§5 Ciemny fioletowy dark_purple 170 0 170 AA00AA 42 0 42 2A002A
§6 Złoty gold 255 170 0 FFAA00 42 42 0 2A2A00
§7 Szary gray 170 170 170 AAAAAA 42 42 42 2A2A2A
§8 Ciemny szary dark_gray 85 85 85 555555 21 21 21 151515
§9 Niebieski blue 85 85 255 5555FF 21 21 63 15153F
§a Zielony green 85 255 85 55FF55 21 63 21 153F15
§b Błękitny aqua 85 255 255 55FFFF 21 63 63 153F3F
§c Czerwony red 255 85 85 FF5555 63 21 21 3F1515
§d Jasny fioletowy light_purple 255 85 255 FF55FF 63 21 63 3F153F
§e Żółty yellow 255 255 85 FFFF55 63 63 21 3F3F15
§f Biały white 255 255 255 FFFFFF 63 63 63 3F3F3F

Kody formatowania

Tekst może być formatowany symbolem § followed by a character.

[INFO] Symbol § może być użyty tylko w książce z piórem w Minecraft without using an external program. Some Bukkit plugins allow you to use § to format other text. The § symbol may be used in the server.properties file and the Minecraft Server text box.

To enter § on Windows with most US/UK English keyboards type Szablon:Keys, or Szablon:Keys (In both cases, you must use the Number Pad). On a Mac US keyboard, Szablon:Keys (Szablon:Keys for US Extended). On Linux with the compose key activated, type Szablon:Keys. Alternatively, you can copy the character from this page, and press Szablon:Keys to paste the character into a book. Note that this does not work on the Minecraft chat bar or Command Block GUI.

If a color code is used after a formatting code, the formatting code will be disabled beyond the color code point. For example, §cX§nY displays as XY, whereas §nX§cY displays as XY. Therefore, when using a color code in tandem with a formatting code, ensure the color code is used first and reuse the formatting code when changing colors.

§r can be used to reset all texts format beyond it, e.g. §nXXX§rYYY displays as XXXYYY

Kod Oficjalna nazwa
§k Efekt Matrixa
§l Pogrubienie
§m Przekreślenie
§n Podkreślenie
§o Pochylenie
§r Reset

Notatka: The random characters placed after §k will always be the same width as the original characters, except if using [ and ] in 1.4.5 - 1.5.2. For example, any random character cycled through where the letter "m" would be wide characters while any random character in the spot an "i" would be narrow characters.

Przykładowy tekst

The following text can be pasted into a Book and Quill to produce what is shown in the picture at the top of the page:

§nMinecraft Formatting

§r§00 §11 §22 §33
§44 §55 §66 §77
§88 §99 §aa §bb
§cc §dd §ee §ff

§r§0k §kMinecraft
§rl §lMinecraft
§rm §mMinecraft
§rn §nMinecraft
§ro §oMinecraft
§rr §rMinecraft

Użycie w server.properties oraz pack.mcmeta

In order to get a MOTD colored or formatted you need to put \u00A7 instead of the §. So for example, §5 would turn into \u00A75. The full list of these is listed below.

Kod Oficjalna nazwa
§0 Black \u00A70
§1 Dark Blue \u00A71
§2 Dark Green \u00A72
§3 Dark Aqua \u00A73
§4 Dark Red \u00A74
§5 Dark Purple \u00A75
§6 Gold \u00A76
§7 Gray \u00A77
§8 Dark Gray \u00A78
§9 Blue \u00A79
§a Green \u00A7a
§b Aqua \u00A7b
§c Red \u00A7c
§d Light Purple \u00A7d
§e Yellow \u00A7e
§f White \u00A7f
§k Obfuscated \u00A7k
§l Bold \u00A7l
§m Strikethrough \u00A7m
§n Underline \u00A7n
§o Italic \u00A7o
§r Reset \u00A7r
\n Extra line \n

Kompatybilność ze starszymi wersjami

Formatowanie tekstu mogło być użyte motd line in a server.properties file, but the section signs must be escaped as \u00A7. If a section sign is entered directly, the server will replace it with \u00C2\u00A7 (§); clients will display the \u00C2 character as a question mark. Delete the \u00C2 character in the MOTD if it comes with a bunch of question marks. This will happen if you are using minecraft version 1.2.5 or below, or something is not compatible.

Użycie w nazwach własnych paczek tekstur

Formatowanie tekstu może być użyte w nazwach w plikach językowych używając § then any of the numbers/letters displayed above. This is also used in end.txt and credits.txt. An example of this is §bDiamond§r to make the name of a diamond appear as Diamond.

Użycie w nazwach światów

With the use of external tools, such as NBTExplorer, world names can have custom colors and formatting codes. To modify the name, you can choose the LevelName tag in the world's level.dat. In this example, LevelName is set to:

§1R§2e§3d§4s§5t§6o§7n§8e §9C§ar§be§ca§dt§ei§fo§1n§2s

Additionally, you can rename the world's folder to contain one of the codes. In the world selection menu, the specified color or effect will appear.

You can also use a resource pack with a § already in the world name when creating a world and all the user has to do is to change the color code after the §.

Użycie w nazwach serwerów

With the use of a third party tool such as NBTExplorer, server names can have custom colors. To utilize this functionality you select the Name attribute in the servers.dat file in your .minecraft directory using your third party tool. In the following example the Name tag is set to:

§4§lMinecraft §6§lServer