4J Studios: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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[[Kategoria:Mojang AB]]

'''[http://www.4jstudios.com/ 4J Studios]''' to producent gier komputerowych, który współtworzył Minecrafta - ''[[Console Edition]] ''- wspólnie z [[Mojang AB]]. Firma ta ma siedzibę w Szkocji, w miastach Dundee i East Linton. W 4J Studios pracuje wielu byłych kluczowych pracowników studia VIS Entertaiment. Została założona przez Paddy Burns i Chris van der Kuyl.<br>Firma specjalizuje się w przenoszeniu gier komputerowych na platformę Xbox 360, jednak pracuje także nad ''Minecraftem ''na konsolach Xbox One, PS3, PS4, PSVita, Wii U oraz Nintendo Switch.
[[cs:4J Studios]]
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4J Studios, czyli Jute, Jam, Journalism (the 3J's of Dundee) i Joysticks, to niezależne studio deweloperskie gier.

== Gry ==
W skład personelu wchodzi wielu byłych kluczowych pracowników z nieistniejącego studia. Została założona przez Paddy Burnsa i Chrisa van der Kuyl. Są najbardziej znani z tworzenia gry Minecraft na Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 i Nintendo Switch.
'''4J Studios''' opracowało następujące gry:
* ''Breeders' Cup World Thoroughbred Championships'' (PS2, Xbox) (2005)

* ''Star Trek: Encounters'' (PS2) (2006)
Studio pracuje również częściowo nad grą Minecraft.
* ''Star Trek: Conquest'' (Wii, PS2) (2007)
* ''AMF Bowling Pinbusters!'' (NDS) (2008)
* ''Ducati Moto'' (NDS) (2008)
* ''Wuggle'' (iPhone) (2009)
Gry komputerowe przeniesione na inne platformy:
* ''The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion'' (PS3) (2007)
* ''Overlord: Raising Hell (PS3)'' (2008)
* ''Banjo-Kazooie'' (XBLA) (2008)
* ''Banjo-Tooie'' (XBLA) (2009)
* ''Perfect Dark'' (XBLA) (2010)
* ''Minecraft'' (XBLA) (2012)
*''Minecraft'' (PS3) (2013)
*''Minecraft'' (XBO) (2014)
*''Minecraft'' (PS4) (2014)
*''Minecraft'' (PSVITA) (2014)
*''Minecraft'' (WIIU) (2015)
*''Minecraft'' (NS) (2017)

== Pracownicy ==
==Pracownicy - Proszę o przetłumaczenie całej tabelki==
=== Deweloperzy ===
{| class="wikitable" data-description="Employees" style="width:75%"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%" data-description="Pracownicy"
! Imię<br><ref name="Pracownicy">https://twitter.com/4JStudios/followings</ref><!-- People that 4J Studios follows on Twitter, which says on their profile that that are 4J employees. -->
<ref name="Employees">https://twitter.com/4JStudios/followings</ref><!--People that 4J Studios follows on Twitter, which says on their profile that that are 4J employees.-->
! Awatar<br><ref name="Pracownicy"/>
! Pozycja<br><ref name="Pracownicy"/>
<ref name="Employees" />
! Twitter<br><ref name="Pracownicy"/>
!<ref name="Employees" />
! Bugtracker<br><ref>https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCCE#selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project%3Aissues-panel</ref>
<ref name="Employees" />
!Bug Tracker
<ref name="Bugtracker">https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCCE#selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project%3Aissues-panel</ref>
! scope="row" |Stuart Ross
|Lead developer (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
|[https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4jstu 4jstu]
! scope="row" |Steven Woodward
|QA Bug Tester (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
|[https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4jsteve 4jsteve]
! scope="row" |Mark Hughes
|Developer (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
! scope="row" |Vince Finlayson
|Developer (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
|[https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4J-Vince 4J-Vince]
{| class="wikitable" data-description="Employees" style="width:75%"
<ref name="Employees" />
<ref name="Employees" />
<ref name="Employees" />
<ref name="Employees" />
! scope="row" |Brian Lindsay
|Artist (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
! scope="row" |Tom Naylor
|UI Artist (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
! scope="row" |Michael Hansen
|Lead Artist (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
! scope="row" |David Keningale
|Art Director (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
! scope="row" |Ryan Mitchell
|Junior Level Designer (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
! scope="row" |Scott Jarron
|Junior Level Designer (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
! scope="row" |Julie D Kennedy
|Junior UI Artist (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
! scope="row" |Thomas Fyfe
|Junior Level Designer (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
{| class="wikitable" data-description="Employees" style="width:75%"
<ref name="Employees" />
<ref name="Employees" />
<ref name="Employees" />
<ref name="Employees" />
!Bug Tracker
<ref name="Bugtracker" />
! scope="row" |Paddy Burns
|Chief Executive Officer (''4J Studios'')
! scope="row" |Chris van der Kuyl
|Chairman (''4J Studios'')
! scope="row" |Richard Reavy
|Chief Technology Officer (''4J Studios'')
|[https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4jpaddy 4jpaddy]
===Absolwenci Studia===
{| class="wikitable" data-description="Employees" style="width:75%"
<ref name="Employees" />
<ref name="Employees" />
<ref name="Employees" />
<ref name="Employees" />
! scope="row" |Rebecca O'Neil
|Art Intern (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
! scope="row" |James Vaughan
! scope="row" | Stuart Ross
! scope="row" |Harry Gordon
|[[Plik:Stuart Ross.jpg|400x400px|mały]]
| Główny programista (''Minecraft'' [[Console Edition]])
|Developer (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
| {{tweet|4JStu}}
| [https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4jstu 4jstu]
! scope="row" | Vince Finlayson
! scope="row" |Jamie Keddie
| Programista (''Minecraft'' [[Console Edition]])
|Contractor (''Minecraft'' [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition])
| {{tweet|TheValkyrur}}
| [https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4J-Vince 4J-Vince]
! scope="row" | Mark Hughes
! scope="row" |George Vaughan
| Programista (''Minecraft'' [[Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|mg_hughes}}
{| class="wikitable" data-description="Employees" style="width: 100%;"
! scope="row" |Gareth Coker
|Stworzył muzykę do pakietu "Greek Mythology Mash-up”
|Stworzył muzykę dla Moon Studios, Ori and the Blind Forest i ARK Survival Evolved
! scope="row" |Aeralie Brighton
|Stworzył dźwięki do pakietu "Greek Mythology Mash-up”
|Śpiewał dla Ori and the Blind Forest
4J Studios opracowało następujące gry:

*''[./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Xbox_360_Edition Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition]'' (Xbox Live Arcade) (2012)
! scope="row" | Steven Woodward
*''[./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/PlayStation_3_Edition Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition]'' (PS3) (2013)
| [[Plik:Steven Woodward.jpg|125x125px|mały]]
*''[./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/PlayStation_Vita_Edition Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition]'' (PSVita) (2014)
| QA tester błędów (''Minecraft'' [[Console Edition]])
*''[./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Xbox_One_Edition Minecraft: Xbox One Edition]'' (XBO) (2014)
| {{tweet|4JSteve}}
*''[./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/PlayStation_4_Edition Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition]'' (PS4) (2014)
| [https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4jsteve 4jsteve]
*''[./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Wii_U_Edition Minecraft: Wii U Edition]'' (Wii U) (2015)
*''[./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Nintendo_Switch_Edition Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition]'' (Switch) (2017)
They have ported/remade the following games to other consoles:
*(PS3) (2007)
*(PS3) (2008)
*(Xbox Live Arcade) (2008)
*(Xbox Live Arcade) (2009)
*(Xbox Live Arcade) (2010)

4J Studios has published the following original games:

* ''World Thoroughbred Championships'' (PS2, Xbox) (2005)
*(PS2) (2006)
*(Wii, PS2) (2007)
*(DS) (2008)
*(DS) (2008)
*''Wuggle'' (iPhone) (2009)

{{Xbox 360}}
==External links==

[[Kategoria:Mojang AB]]
*[http://www.4jstudios.com/ 4J Studios' website]
*[[twitter:4JStudios/|4J Studios' Twitter account]]

[[cs:4J Studios]]
[[de:4J Studios]]
<references />{{mojang}}{{minecraft}}
[[el:4J Studios]]
[[en:4J Studios]]
[[es:4J Studios]]
[[fr:4J Studios]]
[[ja:4J Studios]]
[[pt:4J Studios]]
[[ru:4J Studios]]
[[uk:4J Studios]]
[[zh:4J Studios]]

Wersja z 15:36, 16 paź 2020

el:4J Studios 4J Studios, czyli Jute, Jam, Journalism (the 3J's of Dundee) i Joysticks, to niezależne studio deweloperskie gier.

W skład personelu wchodzi wielu byłych kluczowych pracowników z nieistniejącego studia. Została założona przez Paddy Burnsa i Chrisa van der Kuyl. Są najbardziej znani z tworzenia gry Minecraft na Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 i Nintendo Switch.

Studio pracuje również częściowo nad grą Minecraft.

Pracownicy - Proszę o przetłumaczenie całej tabelki






[1] Twitter


Bug Tracker


Stuart Ross Lead developer (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @4JStu 4jstu
Steven Woodward QA Bug Tester (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @4JSteve 4jsteve
Mark Hughes Developer (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @mg_hughes
Vince Finlayson Developer (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @TheValkyrur 4J-Vince










Brian Lindsay Artist (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @4J_BKL_1
Tom Naylor UI Artist (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @Tom_2Monocle
Michael Hansen Lead Artist (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @MRH_4J
David Keningale Art Director (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @4JDavid
Ryan Mitchell Junior Level Designer (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @Ryumitch
Scott Jarron Junior Level Designer (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @4JScott
Julie D Kennedy Junior UI Artist (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @4JDangerKennedy
Thomas Fyfe Junior Level Designer (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @thomasfyfe










Bug Tracker


Paddy Burns Chief Executive Officer (4J Studios) @padware
Chris van der Kuyl Chairman (4J Studios) @chrisvdk
Richard Reavy Chief Technology Officer (4J Studios) @rreavy 4jpaddy

Absolwenci Studia









Rebecca O'Neil Art Intern (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @beccenstein_
James Vaughan
Harry Gordon Developer (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @hejgordon
Jamie Keddie Contractor (Minecraft [./http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Legacy_Console_Edition Legacy Console Edition]) @JoyrideGames
George Vaughan


Nazwa Zadanie Twitter Notatki
Gareth Coker Stworzył muzykę do pakietu "Greek Mythology Mash-up” @garethcoker Stworzył muzykę dla Moon Studios, Ori and the Blind Forest i ARK Survival Evolved
Aeralie Brighton Stworzył dźwięki do pakietu "Greek Mythology Mash-up” @AeralieBrighton Śpiewał dla Ori and the Blind Forest


4J Studios opracowało następujące gry:

They have ported/remade the following games to other consoles:

  • (PS3) (2007)
  • (PS3) (2008)
  • (Xbox Live Arcade) (2008)
  • (Xbox Live Arcade) (2009)
  • (Xbox Live Arcade) (2010)

4J Studios has published the following original games:

  • World Thoroughbred Championships (PS2, Xbox) (2005)
  • (PS2) (2006)
  • (Wii, PS2) (2007)
  • (DS) (2008)
  • (DS) (2008)
  • Wuggle (iPhone) (2009)

External links
