4J Studios: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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Linia 1: Linia 1:
| title=
| image= 4J.png
| imagesize=
| type= Private
| founders= Paddy Burns, Chris van der Kuyl, and Frank Arnot
| founded= {{Start date and age|df=yes|2005|04|19}}
| headquarters= [[wikipedia:Dundee|Dundee]] and [[wikipedia:East Linton|East Linton]], [[wikipedia:Scotland|Scotland]]
| keypeople=
| products= [[Legacy Console Edition|Minecraft: Console Edition]], [[wikipedia:Banjo-Kazooie|Banjo-Kazooie]]'' ([[wikipedia:Xbox Live Arcade|Xbox Live Arcade Port]]), [[wikipedia:Banjo-Tooie|Banjo-Tooie]]'' (Xbox Live Arcade Port), and others
| parent=
| website= http://www.4jstudios.com
| notes=

'''[http://www.4jstudios.com/ 4J Studios]''' to producent gier komputerowych, który współtworzył Minecrafta - ''[[Console Edition]] ''- wspólnie z [[Mojang AB]]. Firma ta ma siedzibę w Szkocji, w miastach Dundee i East Linton. W 4J Studios pracuje wielu byłych kluczowych pracowników studia VIS Entertaiment. Została założona przez Paddy Burns i Chris van der Kuyl.<br>Firma specjalizuje się w przenoszeniu gier komputerowych na platformę Xbox 360, jednak pracuje także nad ''Minecraftem ''na konsolach Xbox One, PS3, PS4, PSVita, Wii U oraz Nintendo Switch.
'''4J Studios''' which stands for Jute, Jam, Journalism (the 3J's of Dundee), and  Joysticks,<ref>https://twitter.com/thevalkyrur/status/629654079590006785</ref> is an independent game development studio based in [[wikipedia:Scotland|Scotland]], with offices in [[wikipedia:Dundee|Dundee]] and [[wikipedia:East Linton|East Linton]]. The staff includes many former key personnel from defunct studio [[wikipedia:VIS Entertainment|VIS Entertainment]]. It was founded by Paddy Burns and Chris van der Kuyl.<ref>http://www.4jstudios.com</ref> They are best known for developing Minecraft for the [[Xbox 360 Edition|Xbox 360]], [[PlayStation 3 Edition|PlayStation 3]], [[PlayStation Vita Edition|PlayStation Vita]], [[Wii U Edition|Wii U]], [[Xbox One Edition|Xbox One]], [[PlayStation 4 Edition|PlayStation 4]], and [[Nintendo Switch Edition|Nintendo Switch]].

== Gry ==
The studio is also partially working on the {{el|be}} of ''[[Minecraft]]''.<ref>[{{fullurl:MCT:Projects/Renaming|diff=1155092}} Talk page edit] by [[HelenAngel]]</ref>
'''4J Studios''' opracowało następujące gry:
* ''Breeders' Cup World Thoroughbred Championships'' (PS2, Xbox) (2005)

* ''Star Trek: Encounters'' (PS2) (2006)
==Employees ==
* ''Star Trek: Conquest'' (Wii, PS2) (2007)
* ''AMF Bowling Pinbusters!'' (NDS) (2008)
* ''Ducati Moto'' (NDS) (2008)
* ''Wuggle'' (iPhone) (2009)
Gry komputerowe przeniesione na inne platformy:
* ''The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion'' (PS3) (2007)
* ''Overlord: Raising Hell (PS3)'' (2008)
* ''Banjo-Kazooie'' (XBLA) (2008)
* ''Banjo-Tooie'' (XBLA) (2009)
* ''Perfect Dark'' (XBLA) (2010)
* ''Minecraft'' (XBLA) (2012)
*''Minecraft'' (PS3) (2013)
*''Minecraft'' (XBO) (2014)
*''Minecraft'' (PS4) (2014)
*''Minecraft'' (PSVITA) (2014)
*''Minecraft'' (WIIU) (2015)
*''Minecraft'' (NS) (2017)

== Pracownicy ==
=== Developers ===
=== Deweloperzy ===
{| class="wikitable" style="width:75%" data-description="Employees"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%" data-description="Pracownicy"
! Name<br><ref name="Employees">https://twitter.com/4JStudios/followings</ref><!-- People that 4J Studios follows on Twitter, which says on their profile that that are 4J employees. -->
! Imię<br><ref name="Pracownicy">https://twitter.com/4JStudios/followings</ref><!-- People that 4J Studios follows on Twitter, which says on their profile that that are 4J employees. -->
! Avatar<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Awatar<br><ref name="Pracownicy"/>
! Position<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Pozycja<br><ref name="Pracownicy"/>
! Twitter<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Twitter<br><ref name="Pracownicy"/>
! Bug Tracker<br><ref name="Bugtracker">https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCCE#selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project%3Aissues-panel</ref>
! Bugtracker<br><ref>https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCCE#selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project%3Aissues-panel</ref>
! scope="row" | Stuart Ross
! scope="row" | Stuart Ross
|[[Plik:Stuart Ross.jpg|400x400px|mały]]
| [[File:Stuart-Ross.jpg|100px]]
| Główny programista (''Minecraft'' [[Console Edition]])
| Lead developer (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|4JStu}}
| {{tweet|4JStu}}
| [https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4jstu 4jstu]
| [https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4jstu 4jstu]
! scope="row" | Steven Woodward
| [[File:Steve.jpg|100px]]
| QA Bug Tester (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|4JSteve}}
| [https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4jsteve 4jsteve]
! scope="row" | Mark Hughes
| [[File:MarkHughes.png|100px]]
| Developer (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|mg_hughes}}

! scope="row" | Vince Finlayson
! scope="row" | Vince Finlayson
| [[File:VinceFinlayson.png|100px]]
| Programista (''Minecraft'' [[Console Edition]])
| Developer (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|TheValkyrur}}
| {{tweet|TheValkyrur}}
| [https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4J-Vince 4J-Vince]
| [https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4J-Vince 4J-Vince]
=== Artists ===
{| class="wikitable" style="width:75%" data-description="Employees"
! Name<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Avatar<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Position<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Twitter<br><ref name="Employees"/>

! scope="row" | Mark Hughes
! scope="row" | Brian Lindsay
| [[File:Brian-Lindsay.jpg|100px]]
| Artist (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|4J_BKL_1}}
! scope="row" | Tom Naylor
| [[File:Tom-Naylor.jpg|100px]]
| UI Artist (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|Tom_2Monocle}}
! scope="row" | Michael Hansen
| [[File:Michael-Hansen.jpg|100px]]
| Lead Artist (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|MRH_4J}}
! scope="row" | David Keningale
| [[File:David.jpg|100px]]
| Art Director (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|4JDavid}}
! scope="row" | Ryan Mitchell
| [[File:Ryumitch.jpg|100px]]
| Junior Level Designer (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|Ryumitch}}
! scope="row" | Scott Jarron
| [[File:ScottJaron.png|100px]]
| Junior Level Designer (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|4JScott}}
! scope="row" | Julie D Kennedy
| [[File:JulieDKennedy.png|100px]]
| Junior UI Artist (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|4JDangerKennedy}}
! scope="row" | Thomas Fyfe
| Programista (''Minecraft'' [[Console Edition]])
| Junior Level Designer (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|mg_hughes}}
| {{tweet|thomasfyfe}}
=== Business ===
{| class="wikitable" style="width:75%" data-description="Employees"
! Name<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Avatar<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Position<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Twitter<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Bug Tracker<br><ref name="Bugtracker"/>
! scope="row" | Paddy Burns
| [[File:Paddy-Burns.jpg|100px]]
| Chief Executive Officer (''4J Studios'')
| {{tweet|padware}}
! scope="row" | Chris van der Kuyl
| [[File:Chris-van-der-Kuyl.jpg|100px]]
| Chairman (''4J Studios'')
| {{tweet|chrisvdk}}

! scope="row" | Steven Woodward
! scope="row" | Richard Reavy
| [[Plik:Steven Woodward.jpg|125x125px|mały]]
| [[File:RichardReavy.png|100px]]
| QA tester błędów (''Minecraft'' [[Console Edition]])
| Chief Technology Officer (''4J Studios'')
| {{tweet|4JSteve}}
| {{tweet|rreavy}}
| [https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4jsteve 4jsteve]
| [https://bugs.mojang.com/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=4jpaddy 4jpaddy]
=== Alumni ===
{| class="wikitable" style="width:75%" data-description="Employees"
! Name<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Avatar<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Position<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! Twitter<br><ref name="Employees"/>
! scope="row" | Rebecca O'Neil
| [[File:Rebecca-O'Neil.jpg|100px]]
| Art Intern (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|beccenstein_}}
! scope="row" | James Vaughan
| [[File:James-Vaughan.png|100px]]
! scope="row" | Harry Gordon
| [[File:Harry-Gordon.jpg|100px]]
| Developer (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|hejgordon}}
! scope="row" | Jamie Keddie
| Contractor (''Minecraft'' [[Legacy Console Edition]])
| {{tweet|JoyrideGames}}
! scope="row" | George Vaughan
== Contractors ==
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 100%;" data-description="Employees"
! Name
! Task
! Twitter
! Notes
! scope="row" | Gareth Coker
| Made the music for the Greek Mythology [[Mash-up pack]]<ref>https://twitter.com/4jstudios/status/624564359000403968</ref>
| {{tweet|garethcoker}}
| Made the music for Moon Studios, Ori and the Blind Forest, and ARK Survival Evolved

! scope="row" | Aeralie Brighton
| Vocals for the Greek Mythology [[Mash-up pack]]<ref>https://twitter.com/garethcoker/status/624626954197532673</ref>
| {{tweet|AeralieBrighton}}
|Did vocals for Ori and the Blind Forest

== Games ==
4J Studios has developed the following games:
*''[[Xbox 360 Edition|Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition]]'' (Xbox Live Arcade) (2012)
*''[[PlayStation 3 Edition|Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition]]'' (PS3) (2013)
*''[[PlayStation Vita Edition|Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition]]'' (PSVita) (2014)
*''[[Xbox One Edition|Minecraft: Xbox One Edition]]'' (XBO) (2014)
*''[[PlayStation 4 Edition|Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition]]'' (PS4) (2014)
*''[[Wii U Edition|Minecraft: Wii U Edition]]'' (Wii U) (2015)
*''[[Nintendo Switch Edition|Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition]]'' (Switch) (2017)
They have ported/remade the following games to other consoles:
*''[[wikipedia:The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion|The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion]]'' (PS3) (2007)
*''[[wikipedia:Overlord: Raising Hell|Overlord: Raising Hell]]'' (PS3) (2008)
*''[[wikipedia:Banjo-Kazooie|Banjo-Kazooie]]'' (Xbox Live Arcade) (2008)
*''[[wikipedia:Banjo-Tooie|Banjo-Tooie]]'' (Xbox Live Arcade) (2009)
*''[[wikipedia:Perfect Dark (Xbox Live Arcade)|Perfect Dark]]'' (Xbox Live Arcade) (2010)
4J Studios has published the following original games:
*''[[wikipedia:Breeders' Cup|Breeders' Cup]] World Thoroughbred Championships'' (PS2, Xbox) (2005)
*''[[wikipedia:Star Trek: Encounters|Star Trek: Encounters]]'' (PS2) (2006)
*''[[wikipedia:Star Trek: Conquest|Star Trek: Conquest]]'' (Wii, PS2) (2007)
*''[[wikipedia:AMF Bowling Pinbusters!|AMF Bowling Pinbusters!]]'' (DS) (2008)
*''[[wikipedia:Ducati Moto|Ducati Moto]]'' (DS) (2008)
*''Wuggle'' (iPhone) (2009)
== External links ==
* [http://www.4jstudios.com/ 4J Studios' website]
* [https://twitter.com/4JStudios/ 4J Studios' Twitter account]

{{Xbox 360}}
== References ==

[[Kategoria:Mojang AB]]

[[cs:4J Studios]]
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Wersja z 14:05, 29 sie 2020


4J Studios which stands for Jute, Jam, Journalism (the 3J's of Dundee), and Joysticks,[1] is an independent game development studio based in Scotland, with offices in Dundee and East Linton. The staff includes many former key personnel from defunct studio VIS Entertainment. It was founded by Paddy Burns and Chris van der Kuyl.[2] They are best known for developing Minecraft for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

The studio is also partially working on the Szablon:El of Minecraft.[3]



Bug Tracker
Stuart Ross Lead developer (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @4JStu 4jstu
Steven Woodward QA Bug Tester (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @4JSteve 4jsteve
Mark Hughes Developer (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @mg_hughes
Vince Finlayson Developer (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @TheValkyrur 4J-Vince


Brian Lindsay Artist (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @4J_BKL_1
Tom Naylor UI Artist (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @Tom_2Monocle
Michael Hansen Lead Artist (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @MRH_4J
David Keningale Art Director (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @4JDavid
Ryan Mitchell Junior Level Designer (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @Ryumitch
Scott Jarron Junior Level Designer (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @4JScott
Julie D Kennedy Junior UI Artist (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @4JDangerKennedy
Thomas Fyfe Junior Level Designer (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @thomasfyfe


Bug Tracker
Paddy Burns Chief Executive Officer (4J Studios) @padware
Chris van der Kuyl Chairman (4J Studios) @chrisvdk
Richard Reavy Chief Technology Officer (4J Studios) @rreavy 4jpaddy


Rebecca O'Neil Art Intern (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @beccenstein_
James Vaughan

Harry Gordon Developer (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @hejgordon
Jamie Keddie Contractor (Minecraft Legacy Console Edition) @JoyrideGames
George Vaughan


Name Task Twitter Notes
Gareth Coker Made the music for the Greek Mythology Mash-up pack[6] @garethcoker Made the music for Moon Studios, Ori and the Blind Forest, and ARK Survival Evolved
Aeralie Brighton Vocals for the Greek Mythology Mash-up pack[7] @AeralieBrighton Did vocals for Ori and the Blind Forest


4J Studios has developed the following games:

They have ported/remade the following games to other consoles:

4J Studios has published the following original games:

External links



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