Szablon:Wartości odporności TNT

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Ten szablon używa Module:Block value, z kodem będącym w Module:Blast resistance values.
Te skrypty napisane są w języku Lua. Sprawdź wiki:Wikipedia:Lua oraz mw:Extension:Scribunto aby dowiedzieć się więcej.

This template is the single source for all blast resistance values. It is meant to be the single source for this information; this way, when new blocks are added or values are changed, they can be changed here and automatically propagate everywhere they are used.

Example[edytuj kod]

{{Szablon:Wartości odporności TNT|Obsidian}} becomes 6,000.

{{Szablon:Wartości odporności TNT|Non-existing value}} becomes ?.

Missing value[edytuj kod]

If you got here by following a "?" link, it means the value for this parameter is not defined. There are two main reasons this could happen:

  1. The page's name was changed, but it hasn't been updated in this template yet. Edit the module and fix the name.
  2. There is a new block, and data hasn't been entered for it yet. If you know the correct value, edit the template and and add a new entry. Please don't guess or put in something random just to make the "?" go away!

Pages with missing values are placed in Category:Missing blast resistance.

See also[edytuj kod]