
Artykuł Promaster6304@legacy41473706/brudnopis2 używa diagramów MCRS.
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Bramki logiczne zaimplementowane w Minecrafcie przypominają w użyciu WireMOD do gry Garry's Mod oraz elektronikę cyfrową w prawdziwym świecie. Jako element rozgrywki został dodany w fazie Alpha. Głównym składnikiem potrzebnym do tworzenia bramek logicznych jest czerwony kamień (pył) i jego pochodne.

Podstawowe mechanizmy

Zasilanie bloków

Każdy blok w grze może być zasilony bądź nie. Zasilone bloki nie wykazują zmiany wyglądu i są bezpieczne w dotyku.

Prąd może być wysyłany na maksymalnie 6 bloków poziomo bądź pionowo. By blok mógł być zasilony:

Trzeba pamiętać, iż pochodnia ustawiona na lub na ścianie bloku nie' jest częścią tego bloku, a przestrzeni, na której się znajduje. To samo tyczy się płyt naciskowych, przewodów itp. Każdy zasilony blok przekazuje prąd w określonym kierunku, tj.:

  • Czerwona pochodnia zasila wszystkie przylegające bloki wyłączając z tego blok, na której stoi.
  • Blok pod płytą naciskową zasila siebie, i wszystkie bloki ustawione poziomo do niego.
  • Blok, na który ustawiona jest dźwignia, zasila siebie, oraz wszystkie blok położone pionowo.
  • Blok, na którym ustawiony jest przycisk, zasila sam siebie, i wszystkie bloki ustawione poziomo do niego.
  • Czerwony proszek zasila wszystkie bloki pionowo ustawione do bloku, gdzie kończy się przewód.

Urządzenia zasilające

A device, such as a door, a minecart track, or a block of TNT, is activated when an adjacent block is powered. As a simple example, placing a redstone torch next to a door will toggle the state of the door. Similarly, standing on a pressure plate immediately adjacent to a door will activate the door, because the block under the plate powers the block under the door. However, standing on a pressure plate two blocks away from a door will not activate the door, because the power does not reach the block next to or under the door.

To power devices at a distance, the power must be conducted from the active power source to the device; redstone wire is used for this purpose. As noted above, the redstone wire is part of the block it is physically located in, not the block to which it is attached. Redstone wire, or dust, has two states: on (lit) and off (unlit).

The simplest way to activate redstone wire is to put redstone torch or switch adjacent to the wire. It also works to have a torch or switch directly above redstone wire, attached to a wall. It also works to place a block above redstone wire, and then to put a switch on top of that block.

A redstone torch is itself a powered device; its default state is "on", but it will be turned off if it receives power from the block to which it is attached. This feature, along with the use of wire to transmit power in particular directions over distance, is the basis for the advanced redstone devices and circuitry below.

Care must be taken to follow the power rules precisely, or one might see unexpected results. For example, consider a pressure plate. Activating the plate will power the block underneath the plate and all of its horizontal neighbors. Nevertheless, redstone wire beneath this block will still be powered, because it is adjacent to the powered block above it. However, activating the plate will not turn off a redstone torch placed beneath the powered block -- in fact, placing a redstone torch under the block under the pressure plate will power it continuously, effectively disabling the plate.

Specific Powered Devices

Certain devices act in specific ways, for example:

  • If a block is powered, a redstone torch attached to it will be deactivated.
  • If a block is powered, a door on top of it or adjacent to it will toggle its state from open to closed or vice versa. (The actual state will depend, because doors were implemented unintuitively.)
  • If a block is powered, and it is a note block/dispenser, it will play/shoot once.
  • If a block is powered, and rails are above it, they will toggle shape. (You can still have the wiring power the rail directly.)

Common Errors To Avoid

The following are common errors to avoid:

  • Trying to power a block by putting activated redstone wire underneath it. Redstone wire powers blocks only horizontally at its ends. To power a block from below, use a redstone torch.
  • Trying to transmit power through a block that doesn't have any redstone wire on it. While a generic block (dirt, sand, gravel, etc) adjacent to the end of a wire can receive power, it will not transmit that power to wire on the other side, because it is not one of the blocks that can transmit power. If you have a block that you cannot move, send wire around it (including on top of it).
  • Switches on top of blocks are slightly buggy. If you put a switch on top of a block, make sure that it works properly immediately. Depending on what order the redstone and switch are placed, and what direction you are facing, and what direction the switch is facing, some combinations of these options will cause the switch to not power the block underneath at all. If it happens, to fix it, destroy the block, change positions, and try to put the block and switch down again.

Bramki logiczne

Bramki logiczne są dość prostymi urządzeniami, które pozwalają na ustalenie wyjścia, które jest zależne od tego jakie są wejścia. Więcej informacji na ten temat oraz dokładniejsze wytłumaczenie można znaleźć na Wikipedii.

Poniżej znajduje się lista podstawowych bramek logicznych. Są różne sposoby ich zbudowania, dlatego należy potraktować ją jako materiał pomocniczy i dostosować do swoich potrzeb.

Schematy podstawowych bramek logicznych

Symbole obwodów

Każdy symbol oznacza jeden, dwa lub trzy bloki widziane z góry.


Od lewej do prawej:

  1. Powietrze: blok powietrza ponad blokiem powietrza, czyli dwa bloki powietrza jeden na drugim ponad poziomem gruntu
  2. Blok: blok powietrza nad innym blokiem
  3. Dwa bloki: blok nad blokiem, czyli dwa bloki jeden na drugim ponad poziomem gruntu
  4. Przewód (skośny, czyli biegnący w górę lub w dół)
  5. Pochodnia (powietrze nad pochodnią)
  6. Przewód nad blokiem
  7. Pochodnia ponad blokiem
  8. Blok nad przewodem (blok nad blokiem powietrza nad kablem)
  9. Blok nad pochodnią
  10. Pochodnia nad przewodem (nad przewodem jest blok powietrza, nad którym jest powieszona pochodnia)
  11. Mostek: przewód na górze bloku, który jest nad innym przewodem
  12. Dźwignia: powietrze nad dźwignią
  13. Przycisk: powietrze nad przyciskiem
  14. Płyta naciskowa: powietrze nad płytą
  15. Drzwi
  16. Cień

Bramka NOT (¬)

Bramka NOT

Urządzenie odwracające sygnał.
Bramka NOT - Wideotutorial

1 0
0 1
Design A B
Rozmiar 1x1x2 1x2x1
Pochodnie 1 1
Czerwony proszek 0 0
Izolowane wejście? Tak Tak
Izolowane wyjście? Tak Tak

Bramka OR (∨)

Bramka OR z trzema wejściami - dwa warianty

Urządzenie, w którym wyjście jest zasilone wtedy, kiedy przynajmniej jedno wejście jest zasilone.

Uproszczona wersja bramki OR to wersja A: po prostu połączone przewodem wejścia i wyjścia. Wtedy jednak inne wejścia także będą zasilone, dlatego została stworzona bramka OR. Jeżeli wejścia będą działać w kilku kierunkach, konieczny jest wariant B.
Bramka OR - Wideotutorial

Warto dodać, że wariant B jest odwróconą wersją bramki NOR.

1 1 1
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 0
Design A B
Rozmiar 1x1x1 1x3x2
Pochodnie 0 2
Czerwony proszek 1 1
Wejścia izolowane? No Yes
Wyjścia izolowane? No Yes
Wejść max. 3 4

Bramka AND (∧)

Kilka wariantów bramki AND.

Urządzenie, w którym wyjście jest zasilone tylko wtedy, kiedy oba wejścia są zasilone. Wejście "B" zachowuje się tu jak włącznik, bez którego wejście "A" jest odcięte od bramki.

Przykładowy mechanizm to zamek do drzwi, w którym oba przyciski/lewarki/cokolwiek muszą być włączone by otworzyć drzwi.
Bramka AND - Wideotutorial

1 1 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0
Design A B C
Rozmiar 3x2x2 2x3x2 1x6x5
Pochodnie 3 3 3
Czerwony proszek 1 2 3

Bramka NOR (⊽)

Warianty bramki NOR.

Urządzenie, w którym wyjście jest pozbawione zasilania gdy przynajmniej jedno wejście jest zasilane. Wszystkie bramki sprowadzają się do tej bramki lub bramki NAND. To podstawowa bramka stworzona z pochodni. Pochodnia może mieć 4 wzajemnie odizolowane wejścia (wariant B), jednak 3 wejścia najczęściej wystarczają (wariant A), gdzie wszystkie są opcjonalne (możemy mieć na przykład dwa wejścia). Pochodnia z jednym wejściem to nic innego jak bramka NOT, a bez żadnych wejść to bramka TRUE (czyli po prostu źródło zasilania). Jeżeli potrzebujemy więcej niż 4 wejść, muszą być połączone z bramką OR wraz z bramką NOT na końcu (potrzeba dużo miejsca na izolację), lub kilka bramek NOR, zgodnie ze schematem: ABC = A ⊽ ¬(BC) (co zadziała bardzo wolno, ze względu na zagnieżdżone bramki).
Bramka NOR - Wideotutorial

1 1 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Design A B
Rozmiar 1x1x2 3x3x3
Pochodnie 1 1
Czerwony proszek 0 5
Wejścia 3 4
Izolowane wejścia? Yes Yes

Bramka NAND (⊼)

Warianty bramki NAND.

Urządzenie, w którym wyjście jest pozbawione zasilania jedynie wtedy, gdy oba wejścia są zasilone.
Bramka NAND - Wideotutorial

1 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 1
Design A B
Rozmiar 3x1x2 2x2x1
Pochodnie 2 2
Czerwony proszek 1 1

Bramka XOR (⊻)

Warianty bramki XOR.

Urządzenie, które jest zasilone podczas gdy wejścia nie są sobie równe (czyli oba nie mogą być włączone lub wyłączone). Dodanie do niej bramki NOT na końcu stworzy bramkę XNOR, gdzie wyjście jest zasilone gdy oba wejścia są sobie równe. Przydatną cechą bramek XOR lub XNOR jest to, że wyjście zmienia się za każdym razem, gdy którekolwiek z wejść się zmienia.
Bramka XOR - Wideotutorial

1 1 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 0
Design A B C D E F G
Rozmiar 3x5x2 3x3x3 5x5x1 3x3x2 5x4x2 3x3x3 5x2x2
Pochodnie 5 5 3 3 3 5 8
Czerwony proszek 6 5 14 3 12 4 4
Szybkość 3 3 2 2 2 3 3
Kierunek wyjścia przód tył przód przód przód przód przód
Wymaga dźwigni? Nie Nie Nie Tak Nie Nie Nie

Bramka XNOR (≡)

Warianty bramki XNOR.

Urządzenie, które jest zasilone tylko wtedy, gdy wejścia są sobie równe.
Bramka XNOR - Wideotutorial

1 1 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Design A B C D E F
Rozmiar 4x3x2 4x3x2 2x5x4 3x5x3 4x5x2 4x5x2
Pochodnie 6 4 4 4 4 4
Czerwony proszek 5 5 7 7 10 9
Szybkość 3 2 2 2 2 2
Kierunek wyjścia przód przód przód przód przód tył
Wymaga dźwigni? Nie Tak Nie Nie Nie Nie


Przerzutniki są 1-bitowymi komórkami pamięci. Pozwalają obwodom na zapamiętanie pewnych wartości i wykorzystania ich w przyszłości, zamiast tylko wykonywać działania na podstawie wejść w czasie rzeczywistym. Można to wykorzystać do wykorzystania niezależnych wyjść w późniejszym czasie, nawet jeżeli wejścia się nie zmieniają. Pozwala to na zbudowanie urządzeń do odliczania, zegarów i skomplikowanych systemów systemów pamięciowych, które nie mogą zostać stworzone przy pomocy wyłącznie bramek logicznych.

The common feature at the heart of every redstone latch or flip-flop is the RS NOR latch, built from two NOR gates whose inputs and outputs are connected in a loop (see below). The basic NOR latch's symmetry makes the choice of which state represents 'set' an arbitrary decision, at least until additional logic is attached to form more complex devices. Latches usually have two inputs, a 'set' input and a 'reset' input, used to control the value that is stored, while flip-flops tend to wrap additional logic around a latch to make it behave in different ways.

RS NOR latch

RS NOR latch designs.
RS NOR latch E design.
Design H, viewed from the side (Source)

A device where Q will stay on forever after input is received by S. Q can be turned off again by a signal received by R.

This is probably the smallest memory device that is possible to make in Minecraft. Note that Q means the opposite of Q, e.g. when Q is on, Q is off and vice-versa. This means that in certain cases, you can get rid of a NOT gate by simply picking the Q output instead of putting a NOT gate after the Q output.

A very basic example of use would be making an alarm system in which a warning light would stay turned on after a pressure plate is pressed, until you hit a reset button.

In the truth table, S=1, R=1 is often referred to as forbidden, because it breaks the inverse relationship between Q and Q. Also, some designs where the input is not isolated from the output, such as B and D, will actually result in Q and Q both apparently being 1 in this case. As soon as either S or R becomes 0, the output will be correct again. However, if S and R both become 0 on exactly the same tick, the resulting state could be either Q or Q, depending on quirks of game mechanics. In practice, this input state should be avoided because its output is undefined.

RS NOR Latch Video Tutorial

1 1 Undefined Undefined
1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 0 Keep state Keep state
Design A B C D E F G H
Size 3x3x1 2x3x2 3x3x3 4x2x2 7x3x3 4x2x1 3x2x2 1x3x3
Torches 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2
Redstone wire 4 4 8 6 18 4 3 3
Inputs isolated? Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Outputs isolated? Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No
Input orientation opposite opposite adjacent either adjacent opposite adjacent opposite

RS NAND latch

RS NAND latch designs.

Since NOR and NAND are the universal logic gates, a design for an RS NAND latch is just an RS NOR with inverters applied to the inputs and outputs. The RS NAND is logically equivalent to the RS NOR as the same inputs for R and S give the same outputs.

When S and R are both off, Q and Q are on. When S is on, but R is off, Q will be on. When R is on, but S is off, Q will be on. When S and R are both on, it does not change Q and Q. They will be the same as they were before S and R were both turned on.

1 1 Keep state Keep state
1 0 0 1
0 1 1 0
0 0 Undefined Undefined
Design A B
Size 6x3x3 6x3x2
Torches 6 6
Redstone 10 8
Input orientation adjacent opposite

D Flip-Flop

D flip-flop designs.
Side view of a vertical D flip-flop, design C (Source)
Plik:D-latch 2.png
Design D (Source)
Plik:Compact D Flip Flop.png
Design E is a more compact version of design A.

A D flip-flop, or "data" flip-flop, sets the output to D only on certain conditions. The basic level-triggering D flip-flop (design A), also known as a gated D latch, sets the output to D as long as the clock is set to OFF, and ignores changes in D as long as the clock is ON. Design B includes an edge-trigger, and will set the output to D only at the moment the clock goes from OFF to ON.

In these designs, the output is not isolated; this allows for asynchronous R and S inputs (which override the clock and force a certain output state). To get an isolated output, instead of using Q simply connect an inverter to Q.

Design C is a one block wide version of A, except for using a non-inverted clock. It sets the output to D as long as the clock is ON (turning the torch off). This design can be repeated in parallel every other block, giving it a much smaller footprint, equal to the minimum spacing of parallel data lines (when not using a "cable"). A clock signal can be distributed to all of them with a wire running perpendicularly under the data lines, allowing multiple flip-flops to share a single edge-trigger if desired. The output Q is most easily accessed in the reverse direction, toward the source of input. Q can be inverted or repeated to isolate the latch's Set line (the unisolated Q and Q wires can do double duty as R and S inputs, as in design A).

Design E provides a more compact version of A, while still affording the same ceiling requirement. The design to the right in the image however requires 1 more block ceiling allowance, but allows the edge trigger to act on a high input. This additional ceiling requirement can be circumvented by simply moving the vertical NOT gate, to a lateral position 2 blocks downward. There is also the option of simply providing a NOT gate on the clock for your data bank, thus preventing the requirement of a gate for each flip flop.

Design A B C D E
Size 7x3x2 7x7x2 1x5x6 2x4x5 3x2x7
Torches 4 8 5 8 5
Redstone wire 11 18 6 5 13
Trigger Level Edge Level Level Level
Output isolated? No No No No No
Input isolated? Yes Yes C Only Yes Yes

JK Flip-Flop

Plik:JK flip-flop.gif
JK flip-flop designs.

A JK flip-flop is another memory element which, like the D flip-flop, will only change its output state only when the clock signal C changes from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 (edge-triggered, design A and B), or while it holds a certain value (level-triggered, design C). When the flip-flop is triggered, if the input J = 1 and the input K = 0, the output Q = 1. When J = 0 and K = 1, the output Q = 0. If both J and K are 0, then the JK flip-flop maintains its previous state. If both are 1, the output will complement itself — i.e., if Q = 1 before the clock trigger, Q = 1 afterwards. The below table summarizes these states — note that Q(t) is the new state after the trigger, while Q(t-1) represents the state before the trigger.

The JK flip-flop's complement function (when J and K are 1) is only meaningful with edge-triggered JK flip-flops, as it's an instantaneous trigger condition. With level-triggered flip-flops (e.g. design C), maintaining the clock signal at 1 for too long causes a race condition on the output. Although this race condition is not fast enough to cause the torches to burn out, it makes the complement function unreliable for level-triggered flip-flops.

J K Q(t)
0 0 Q(t-1)
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 Q(t-1)
Design A B C
Size 11x9x2 9x8x2 5x7x4
Torches 12 12 11
Redstone 34 35 22
Accessible Q? No No Yes
Trigger Edge Edge Level

T Flip-Flop

Plik:T flip-flop.gif
T flip-flop designs.
Plik:Narrow T Flip-Flop.png
Side view of vertical T flip-flop designs.

T Flip-Flops are also known as "toggles". Whenever T changes from 0 (off) to 1 (on), the output will toggle its state.

A useful way to use T Flip-Flops in Minecraft could for example be a button connected to the input. When you press the button the output toggles (a door opens or closes), and does not toggle back when the button pops out. (Designs C and D do not have an incorporated edge trigger and will toggle multiple times unless the input is passed through one first.)

It is also the core of all binary counters and clocks, as it functions as a "period doubler", turning two input pulses into one output pulse.

Design A has a large footprint, but is easy to build. It (and B, which is a slightly compacted version of A) is essentially a JK flip-flop with the inputs for J and K removed so that it relies on the edge trigger (right side of the diagram) to keep it in the stable state and only allow a single operation per input.

Design C has a smaller footprint and an easily accessible inverse output, but lacks an edge trigger. If the input is kept high, it will repeatedly toggle on and off, cycling quickly enough to burn out its torches. For example, if the button mentioned above is wired directly to its input, the device can toggle several times before the button shuts off. Even a 4-clock is too slow to reliably result in only one toggle.

Design F makes use of repeaters to make the circuit more compact, however, it does require the repeaters to be set to the levels specified in order to function correctly.

Adding an edge trigger by routing input through a separate pulse generator (design B' seems to work best) will prevent this problem, as will any other means of sending it a short (2-3 tick) pulse of power.

Designs D and E are much taller than the others, but only a single block wide, making them good for situations where floorspace is limited. D is level-triggered like design C, which can save space when distributing one input pulse to multiple flip-flops. E has a single block wide edge trigger added on, making it easy to daisy-chain multiple units to create a binary counter or period-doublers for a slow clock. These designs are based on the vertical gated D latch (design C) with the inverse output looped back to the input.

NOTE: Some of the illustrated T Flip-Flops to the right don't include the typical inverse Q outputs. If you want to use the inverse Q then just add an inverter to Q.

T Flip-Flop Video Tutorial

Design A B C D E F
Size 7x9x2 7x8x2 5x6x3 1x7x6 1x12x7 6x8x2
Torches 10 10 8 7 12 5
Redstone 28 29 22 9 15 26
Repeaters 0 0 0 0 0 3
Accessible Q? No No Yes No No Yes
Trigger Edge Edge Level Level Edge

Other Electronic Components

Repeater/Diode in Beta 1.3

See the Redstone Repeater article for full details.

As of Minecraft Beta version 1.3 you can craft a Redstone Repeater block from 3 stone, two redstone torches and one redstone dust. It can be used to compactly extend the running length of a wire beyond 15 blocks, or apply a configurable delay.

Traditional Repeater/Diode

Example of a Repeater

Using two Redstone torches in series can effectively extend your running wire length past the 15-block limitation. As of 1.0.2 (the July 6th update), there must be a strip of wire between the two Redstone torches. Repeaters makes it possible to send long-distance signals around the map, but in the process, slows down the speed of transfer. To reduce delays, you can stretch out the repeater so that some areas of the wire are consistently in the opposite state, but as long as the amount of Redstone torches, or, effectively, NOT Gates is even, the signal will be correct. In more advanced circuits, repeaters can be used as a semi-conductors; to isolate in- or outputs.

Note that since 1.3 there is a one block Redstone Repeater built into the game that can be crafted from 3 stone, two redstone torches and one redstone dust, and which can be set to different delay times.

The North/South Quirk

Plik:North South Quirk.png
Fig. 1 - The two possible orientations.
Plik:NSQ Inverse Outputs.png
Fig. 2 - Equal-delay inverse outputs.

A specific arrangement of torches which would normally be expected to behave identically to a traditional 2-torch repeater, causing a 2-tick delay in signal transmission, instead causes only a 1-tick delay. (See figure 1.) When constructed with the torches facing east and west, this arrangement causes the expected 2-tick delay, but when facing north and south, the second (top) torch changes state at the same time as the first, after only a single tick.

The quirk can cause unexpected bugs in complicated circuit designs when not accounted for, but it does have several practical uses. For example, double doors require opposite power states, but inverting one signal delays that door's response by 1 tick. Prior to Beta 1.3 and the introduction of the Redstone Repeater, the only known way to perfectly synchronize them was with this 1-tick repeater. Another application is in creating a clock circuit (see below) with an even pulse width and period.

Finally, as a generalization of the double-door use, the North/South Quirk can be used to obtain two signals which are always inversely related without the additional 1-tick delay a NOT gate normally causes in the second signal. (See figure 2.) This can be especially useful in circuits where precise timing is important, such as signal processing that relies on the transition of an input from high to low and low to high (on to off and back), for example by sending each of the inverse signals through separate edge detectors (see pulse generators below) and then ORing their outputs.

Delay Circuit

Plik:Delay Circuits.gif
Compact delay circuits used to increase signal travel time.

Sometimes it is desirable to induce a delay in your redstone circuitry. Delay circuits are the traditional way to achieve this goal a compact manner. However, in Beta 1.3 the single-block Redstone Repeater was introduced, which can be set to a 1, 2, 3 or 4 tick delay, effectively rendering these delay circuits obsolete. The historical circuits are shown here for completeness, and will still work should you choose to build one.

These two delay circuits utilize torches heavily in favor of compactness, but in doing so the builder must be aware of the North/South Quirk. For maximum signal delay, construct these designs so that the stacked torches face east and west. For a fine-tuned delay, adjust the design to rotate one of the alternating-torch stacks to face north and south, or add an additional stack in that orientation.

Design A gives a 4 tick delay, while design B gives a 3 tick delay.

One possible use for delay circuits is to make music. With the introduction of Note Blocks in Beta 1.2, delay circuits can be mixed in with wire and note blocks to create sequences of notes. Here's an example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gPMtzuCKdg

Clock generators

Plik:Clock generators and pulsars.png
Clock generators and pulsars.
Plik:Variable clock.jpg
Variable clock generator using redstone repeaters. The delay can be increased almost infinitely with more repeaters.

Clock generators are devices where the output is toggling on/off constantly. The simplest stable clock generator is the 5-clock (designs B and C). Using this method, 1-clocks and 3-clocks are possible to make but they will "burn out" because of their speed, which makes them unstable. Redundancy can be used to maintain a 1-clock, even as the torches burn out; the result is the so-called "Rapid Pulsar" (designs A and F). Slower clocks are made by making the chain of inverters longer (designs B' and C' show how such an extension process can be achieved).

Using a different method, a 4-clock can be made (design D). A 4-clock is the fastest clock which will not overload the torches.

A 4-clock with a regular on/off pulse width is also possible as seen in design E. This design uses five torches, but can be constructed so that it has a pulse width of 4 ticks by employing the North/South Quirk. It is important that the orientation of this design (or at least the portion containing the stacked torches) be along the north/south axis.

The customary name x-clock is derived from half of the period length, which is also usually the pulse width. For example, design B (a 5-clock) will produce the sequence ...11111000001111100000... on the output.

Designs F and G are examples of possible vertical configurations.

Repeater Clocks

With the addition of Redstone Repeaters in the Beta 1.3 update, clock generators can be simplified to at most one block, one redstone torch and from one to any number of repeaters chained together.

Very rapid clocks with even pulsewidth can be designed out of only Redstone Repeaters. By increasing the delay on each repeater or by increasing the number of repeaters in the loop, the clock can be slowed. These clocks act as variable clocks, but have higher maximum speeds.

Pulse Generators

Plik:Pulse gen.png
Pulse generator designs.

A device that creates a pulsed output when the input changes. A pulse generator is required to clock flip-flops without a built-in edge trigger if the clock signal will be active for more than a moment (i.e., excluding Stone Buttons).

Design A will create a short pulse when the input turns off. By inverting the input as shown in B, the output will pulse when the input turns on. The length of the pulse can be increased with extra inverters, shown in B'. This is an integral part of a T flip-flop, as it prevents the flip-flop changing more than once in a single operation. Designs A and B can be put together to represent both the increase of A and the decrease of A as separate outputs, these can then be ORed to show when The input changes, regardless of its state. Redstone Repeaters can be used to change the length of the pulse, by placing one or more in series in the delay circuit between the two redstone torches (referring to design A).

A pulse generator which causes a short pulse of low power instead of high can be made by removing the final inverter in design B' and replacing it with a wire connection. This is the type used in designs A and B of the T and JK flip-flops (when J=1 and K=1) to briefly place these devices in the 'toggle' state, long enough for a single operation to take place.

Monostable Circuit

Monostable Circuit (large)

A device that turns itself off a short time after it has been activated. Basically, it consists of a RSNOR-latch and delay hooked up to its reset. The trigger input activates the latch's SET input, and after a delay set by the repeaters, the RESET activates, turning the output off again. The delay (e.g. the length that the output is high) can be set to any value by adding repeaters into the chain.

It can also be used to delay a signal by using its reset signal as output.

A compact version of the circuit fits neatly into a small space (3x5x1).

Plik:Monostable small.gif
Monostable Circuit (compact)

Alternatively, a (1x8x3) vertical device can be built to fit neatly against/into a wall. As in the other cases, the length of time that the output is high can be adjusted by adding or removing repeaters. (N.B. the repeaters should be flat on the floor, in the positions shown.)

Plik:Monostable vertical.gif
Monostable Circuit (vertical)

Vertical transmission

A 2×2 vertical spiral of redstone

Sometimes it's necessary or desirable to transmit a redstone state vertically, for example to have a central control or status for several circuits from a single observation point. To transmit a state vertically, a 2×2 spiral of blocks with redstone can be used to transmit power in either direction, and the spiral is internally navigable (i.e. one can climb or descend within the tower).

If repeaters are necessary, there is a 1×1 design for transmitting a state upward, and a 1×2 design for transmitting a state downward. For this to be effective you MUST NOT finish the top torch ON only OFF will switch the current when needed. Internal navigability of these designs inside a 2×2 tower interior can be maintained using ladders.

A 1×1 tower of upward repeaters
A 1×2 tower of downward repeaters

Blink device

Plik:Flash device.png
Blink device
Plik:Flash device2.png
Blink device on inside
Random short generator

This device creates energy in an irregular sequence. It is a variant of the "Rapid Pulsar" design shown in the Clock Generators section above.

You can build this device by placing a block with one redstone torch on every side. Place some redstone on top of the block, and place a new block on top of each torch. Then wire it up to different circuits.

This device will stop working after the server restarts (multiplayer), or if you save and come back (singleplayer). All torches and redstone will be off. Reconstruction will be necessary.

By connecting all the torches together, this device will keep going, because although the torches burn out, they are all connected. Giving you a 1 tick timer.

Mechanical to Electrical Conversion

Plik:Mechanical Electral Converter.png
A Mechanical-Electrical Converter

Making use of a quirk involving the update function on blocks near a water or lava source, it is possible to convert the "mechanical" energy of updating a nearby block into a redstone signal. To do this, create a water or lava rig that will shift when the desired block updates (for more info, read this thread). Then position a redstone torch or powder trail so that the water/lava will wash/burn the torch or powder. Do this in such a way that the missing redstone component will change the input to your circuit.

Once this setup has been rigged, the next time an update function is called in an adjacent block to the water/lava source, it will trigger your mechanism. Update functions include: an adjacent block is placed by a user, gravel or sand falls into an adjacent block, grass grows, wheat grows, an adjacent block receives power, an item resting on an adjacent block changes state (such as a door being opened).

This setup can only trigger once before needing to be manually reset.

Electrical to Liquid Kinetic Conversion

Plik:Electrical Kinetic Liquid Converter.png
An Electrical-Liquid Kinetic Converter

It is possible to use the same quirk described in the Mechanical to Electrical Conversion section to make water or lava flow as desired. In order to do this, simply follow the instructions in this thread and run a redstone wire to the block adjacent to the water/lava source. Whenever the redstone wire toggles state, the water/lava source will update. If arranged properly, this can be used to redirect water or lava whenever the desired input is given via redstone circuit.

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