
Wersja z dnia 20:11, 13 sty 2011 autorstwa Fiszu20@legacy41756283 (dyskusja | edycje) (tth)
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Kaktus - jest blokiem dodanym w wersji Alfa oraz przeniesionym do Beta. Blok kaktusowy ma jedną teksturę na wszystkich bokach. Do wydobycia nie trzeba żadnych narzędzi. Gdy gracz, bądź mob dotknie kaktusa straci pół pkt. życia (serduszka), zaś jeżeli jakiś przedmiot dotknie bloku, znika. Kaktusy rosną na piasku i osiągają wysokość 3 bloków i 1x1 u podstawy. Nie mogą stykać się z innymi blokami, nawet po skosie oraz muszą mie,c dostęp do owdy Czasami można je znaleźć nawet na plaży, lecz ich naturalnym środowiskiem jest biotop pustynny.

Cactus is a block that was introduced Alpha mode and remains in Beta. The block has one texture put on all sides of the block, one put on the top, and a third on the bottom of a cactus cross-cut. It can be mined easily without any tool. When the player or a mob touches a cactus, half a heart of damage is taken, and when an item touches a cactus the item disappears. It appears on Sand in vertical stacks that can be one to three blocks tall, 1x1 across. Cacti can rarely be found on a beach, but are abundant in desert biomes. Due to a biome bug (Only confirmed in Multiplayer so far), as of Patch 1.2.1_01 in the desert biome a cactus can spawn floating in midair one to two blocks off the ground. However, the game will still think the there is a cactus block under it, so the block directly under the floating cactus block is impassable, and can only be destroyed by destroying the visible sand block under it, or by placing a non-solid block underneath the 'ghost cactus'. Cacti can only be placed on sand or other cactus blocks with no horizontally or vertically adjacent blocks, unless they are placed in water, in which case they can be placed directly next to one other block. Cacti are able to grow without light. When the spot a cactus is placed in becomes unsuitable (e.g. a block is placed next to them), it collapses into a cactus block that can be collected and re-placed. Each mined block of cactus drops one cactus block. Cactus blocks are non-flammable. As of Beta 1.2, cactus can be cooked in a furnace to make cactus green.