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Serwery Minecrafta pozwalają gracze na grę z innymi ludźmi. Serwer może zostać uruchomiony na specjalnym, dedykowanym serwerze lub na domowej maszynie.

Konfiguracja serwera[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Podstawowe zalecenia[edytuj | edytuj kod]

  1. Konfiguracja serwera zajmuje trochę czasu oraz wymaga nieco wiedzy. Nie próbuj konfigurować serwera nie mając podstawowej wiedzy na temat komputera i sieci.
  2. Hostowanie serwera i granie na tej samej maszynie jest raczej niezalecane, chyba, że masz bardzo mocny sprzęt.
  3. Hostowanie serwera na komputerze, który jest połączony siecią bezprzewodową jest niezalecane.
  4. Laptopy nie są dobre jako serwer. Szybko się grzeją. Zbyt wysoka temperatura może go uszkodzić. Dodatkowo, komputery przenośne są zazwyczaj słabsze niż porównywalne komputery stacjonarne i maszyny dedykowane.

Wymagania na serwer[edytuj | edytuj kod]

  1. Sprawdź za pomocą http://canihostaminecraftserver.com/ czy jesteś w stanie hostować serwer na swoim komputerze, z aktualną prędkością dostępu do Internetu.
  2. Im więcej pamięci ma twój komputer, tym lepiej. Jest zalecane, aby mieć ponad 2GB.
  3. Zalecany jest dwurdzeniowy komputer lub lepszy. Jednordzeniowy również może być użyty, ale tylko, jeśli serwer będzie dla bardzo małej liczby graczy.

Komendy serwera i znane problemy[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Sprawdź dla problemów single/multiplayer.

Dodatkowa notatka: Karty sieciowe Atheros oraz Realtek mogą nie pracować w pełni poprawnie z Minecraftem. network adapters are known to not work well with Minecraft in general. If you experience a total loss of internet (requiring a reboot), or constant disconnects, check and see if you have either brand of network adapter installed. If you do, you can try updating the driver for the device directly from the manufacturer. If a driver update does not fix the issue, the general solution is to buy a new adapter (anything from Intel is recommended as a replacement).

The server commands page has a list of useful commands.

Server installation and configuration[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Ready to set up a server? View the installation and configuration guide!

Setting up a server

Types of Servers[edytuj | edytuj kod]

There are numerous kinds of Minecraft servers, usually distinguished by the level used in them or how players in them are supposed to behave. Many special types of servers rely on the use of map editors.

Types of Gameplay[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Standard[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Standard servers usually have relatively regular maps, allowing players to build or destroy whatever they want (though griefing is often against servers' rules). Although standard isn't recommended. A (bukkit) server would be. You can add plugins and such to stop griefing/spamming or really anything else.

Survival[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Also referred to as SMP. A type of Standard server, in which survival against monsters is key. Time of day is generally not tampered with unnecessarily, to provide players with a sense that they are in a singleplayer-type environment, with other players in the world. Survival servers can be very glitchy, or crash for small reasons. To run one, it is often required that a user port forward so connections can be made. Players who have purchased the game can connect by inputting the IP address of the server into the Multiplayer section of the Beta. The default port for SMP servers is 25565, but can be changed. Usually a port will need to be opened through port forwarding, but other players prefer a service called Hamachi or other virtual private network (VPN) service. This is also referred to as a Vanilla Server.

Roleplay[edytuj | edytuj kod]

A server, usually with a normal map, where players are encouraged to take on roles and act as them in the game. These servers often attempt to simulate settlement in some foreign land or similar, and require the gathering of resources to build structures.

Spleef[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Spleef servers are usually dedicated to playing Spleef. They use a nonstandard map which contains Spleef arenas, of which are generally much more extravagant than those a standard server might have.

Grief[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Though rare, a grief server usually consists of another server's map which the grief server's owner would retrieve, therefore allowing people to "grief" without getting banned.

Types of Map Design[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Randomly Generated[edytuj | edytuj kod]

A map design generated using either the standard in-game generator or an external generator such as Omen. While the in-game generator can only create temperate-themed maps, desert-, mountain-, hell-, snow-themed maps and others can be created with external generators.

Flat[edytuj | edytuj kod]

An otherwise standard design which is not randomly generated, but is instead simply a vast grassy plain. These are usually created by various external generators.

Ocean[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Ocean maps usually consist of mostly or entirely water to encourage building underwater structures; they may also be dry at first, but flooded later, after players have built on them. These gained more prominence when sponges were added.

Cave[edytuj | edytuj kod]

A server which is mostly or entirely an elaborate cave or series of caves, far more spacious and dynamic than standard caves. These commonly have the top and sides blocked off with bedrock to stop light getting through.

Landscape[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Landscape server with widely varying features across the map, such as caves, forests, mountains and oceans. These are commonly custom-made and used in roleplay.

Maintenance[edytuj | edytuj kod]

Delete Player[edytuj | edytuj kod]

If you want to delete a player from the game, you can remove the player's .dat file. Navigate to the Minecraft home directory, open the map folder, open the player's folder, and delete the PLAYERNAME.dat file. This will cause the player to start over at the spawn point with no inventory. The player's changes to the world will be unchanged along with any inventory stored in chests. This will not ban the player that has been deleted.

Server Hosts[edytuj | edytuj kod]

When you create your first server, you may try to host it from your home computer. Unless you intend to dedicate the hardware solely to Minecraft hosting, this is probably a bad idea. You should have at least 3GB of RAM and a processor that is 2.4GHz or faster. You can try to find someone else capable of and willing to host it for you. Remember, just because you aren't hosting it doesn't mean it's no longer your server!

Server Stealing[edytuj | edytuj kod]

If the host of your server decides to ban you and refuses to unban you, this is classed as stealing a server. They are effectively making themselves the owner of the server. If you get someone else to host, make sure they send you regular backups of the server so if they steal it you can find someone more trustworthy.



de:Server fr:Serveur hu:Szerver ru:Сервер