Moduł:Block value
This module implements {{hardness values}}
and {{blast resistance values}}
Dependencies edytuj
local p = {}
p.value = function( f )
local args = f
if f == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
args = require( 'Module:ProcessArgs' ).merge( true )
local block = mw.text.trim( args[1] or '' ):lower()
local type = args.type
-- Most of these transforms are unnecessary, but are kept for compatibility with original template
-- Strip trailing "s" on everything but these
local keepS = {
glass = true,
steps = true, stairs = true,
bars = true,
cactus = true,
leaves = true,
grass = true,
potatoes = true
if not keepS[block:match( '%w+$' )] then
block = block:gsub( 's$', '' )
-- Other transforms
block = block
:gsub( 'wooden', 'wood' )
:gsub( 'mossy', 'moss' )
:gsub( 'steps', 'stairs' )
:gsub( "['%(%)%-%s]+", '' )
local value = mw.loadData( 'Module:' .. type .. ' values' )[block]
local category = ''
if not value then
value = '?'
local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
if not args.nocat and title.namespace == 0 and not title.isSubpage then
category = '[[Category:Brakujące ' .. type:lower() .. ']]'
return value .. category
return p