Leśny dwór/Pokoje: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

[wersja nieprzejrzana][wersja nieprzejrzana]
d Pop.
d Polskie nazwy przedmiotów
Linia 69: Linia 69:
|Pokój z szachownicą
|Pokój z szachownicą
|A room with a checkerboard pattern on the floor, and all the walls covered by oak fences. There's a hidden chest placed above the door, containing loot similar to that of a dungeon.
|A room with a checkerboard pattern on the floor, and all the walls covered by oak fences. There's a hidden chest placed above the door, containing loot similar to that of a dungeon.
|68 {{BlockLink|Oak Fence}},
|68 {{BlockLink|Dębowy płot}},
49 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Planks}},
49 {{BlockLink|Brzozowe deski}},

40 {{BlockLink|Dark Oak Wood}},
40 {{BlockLink|Drewno ciemnego dębu}},

15 {{BlockLink|Gray Carpet|id=gray-carpet}},
15 {{BlockLink|Szary dywan|id=gray-carpet}},

13 {{BlockLink|Light Gray Carpet|id=light-gray-carpet}},
13 {{BlockLink|Jasnoszary dywan|id=light-gray-carpet}},

1 {{BlockLink|Chest}} (random loot).
1 {{BlockLink|Skrzynia}} (losowy łup).
|A room with cobblestone and a single flower pot in the wall.
|Pokój z brukiem i jedną doniczką na ścianie.
|49 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Planks}},
|49 {{BlockLink|Brzozowe deski}},
46 {{BlockLink|Cobblestone}},
46 {{BlockLink|Bruk}},

22 {{BlockLink|Dark Oak Wood Stairs}},
22 {{BlockLink|Schody z ciemnego dębu}},

9 {{BlockLink|Cobblestone Stairs}},
9 {{BlockLink|Brukowe schody}},

7 {{BlockLink|Dark Oak Wood Planks}},
7 {{BlockLink|Ciemne dębowe deski}},

6 {{BlockLink|Cobblestone Slab}},
6 {{BlockLink|Brukowa płyta}},

1 {{BlockLink|White Tulip}},
1 {{BlockLink|Biały tulipan}},

1 {{BlockLink|Flower Pot|id=flower-pot-empty}}.
1 {{BlockLink|Doniczka|id=flower-pot-empty}}.
|Pokój X
|Pokój X
|Sekretny pokój z brukowymi ścianami oraz skrzynią.
|Sekretny pokój z brukowymi ścianami oraz skrzynią.
|120 {{BlockLink|Cobblestone}},
|120 {{BlockLink|Bruk}},

49 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Planks}},
49 {{BlockLink|Brzozowe deski}},

1 {{BlockLink|Chest}} (random loot).
1 {{BlockLink|Skrzynia}} (random loot).
|Pokój z pająkami
|Pokój z pająkami
|Sekretny pokój ze spawnerem pająków oraz dużą ilością pajęczyn.
|Sekretny pokój ze spawnerem pająków oraz dużą ilością pajęczyn.
|95 {{BlockLink|Cobweb}},
|95 {{BlockLink|Pajęczyna}},

49 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Planks}},
49 {{BlockLink|Brzozowe deski}},

1 {{BlockLink|Monster Spawner}} (pająk).
1 {{BlockLink|Spawner potworów}} (pająk).
|Pokój z obsydianem
|Pokój z obsydianem
|A secret room with a heap of obsidian, and within that heap is a block of diamond.
|A secret room with a heap of obsidian, and within that heap is a block of diamond.
|49 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Planks}},
|49 {{BlockLink|Brzozowe deski}},

19 {{BlockLink|Obsidian}},
19 {{BlockLink|Obsydian}},

1 {{BlockLink|Block of Diamond}}.
1 {{BlockLink|Blok diamentu}}.
|Birch Pillar room
|Birch Pillar room
|A secret room with 4 birch plank pillars that extend out at the top.
|A secret room with 4 birch plank pillars that extend out at the top.
|85 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Planks}}.
|85 {{BlockLink|Brzozowe deski}}.
|A room with a desk with a flower pot on top, as well as a structure made of birch fences and stairs.
|A room with a desk with a flower pot on top, as well as a structure made of birch fences and stairs.
|80 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Planks}}
|80 {{BlockLink|Brzozowe deski}}

39 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Stairs}}
39 {{BlockLink|Brzozowe schody}}

9 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Slab}}
9 {{BlockLink|Brzozowa płyta}}

6 {{BlockLink|Birch Fence}}
6 {{BlockLink|Brzozowy płot}}

1 {{BlockLink|Azure Bluet}}
1 {{BlockLink|Azure Bluet}}

1 {{BlockLink|Flower Pot|id=flower-pot-empty}}
1 {{BlockLink|Doniczka|id=flower-pot-empty}}

1 {{BlockLink|Pink Carpet}}
1 {{BlockLink|Różowy dywan}}
|Mała jadalnia
|Mała jadalnia
|A room with a table and chairs to go with it. The table has light gray carpets on it, with some black carpets in the middle.
|A room with a table and chairs to go with it. The table has light gray carpets on it, with some black carpets in the middle.
|49 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Planks}}
|49 {{BlockLink|Brzozowe deski}}

14 {{BlockLink|Oak Wood Stairs}}
14 {{BlockLink|Dębowe schody}}

10 {{BlockLink|Dark Oak Wood Planks}}
10 {{BlockLink|Ciemne dębowe deski}}

10 {{BlockLink|Light Gray Carpet}}
10 {{BlockLink|Jasnoszary dywan}}

4 {{BlockLink|Dark Oak Wood Stairs}}
4 {{BlockLink|Ciemne dębowe schody}}

2 {{BlockLink|Black Carpet}}
2 {{BlockLink|Czarny dywan}}

2 {{BlockLink|Dark Oak Fence}}
2 {{BlockLink|Ciemny dębowy płot}}

2 {{BlockLink|Oak Wood Planks}}
2 {{BlockLink|Dębowe deski}}
|Sypialnia z pojedynczym łóżkiem
|Sypialnia z pojedynczym łóżkiem
|A room with a bed (made out of carpets), a fireplace (made out of cobblestone) and a bonsai (made out of a fence and leaves).
|A room with a bed (made out of carpets), a fireplace (made out of cobblestone) and a bonsai (made out of a fence and leaves).
|49 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Planks}}
|49 {{BlockLink|Brzozowe deski}}

13 {{BlockLink|Cobblestone}}
13 {{BlockLink|Bruk}}

7 {{BlockLink|Cobblestone Slab}}
7 {{BlockLink|Brukowa płyta}}

6 {{BlockLink|Oak Wood Slab}}
6 {{BlockLink|Dębowa płyta}}

4 {{BlockLink|Red Wool}}
4 {{BlockLink|Czerwona wełna}}

3 {{BlockLink|Cobblestone Stairs}}
3 {{BlockLink|Brukowe schody}}

2 {{BlockLink|Wool}}
2 {{BlockLink|Wełna}}

1 {{BlockLink|Dark Oak Fence}}
1 {{BlockLink|Ciemny dębowy płot}}

1 {{BlockLink|Dark Oak Leaves}}
1 {{BlockLink|Ciemne dębowe liście}}

1 {{BlockLink|Oak Wood Planks}}
1 {{BlockLink|Dębowe deski}}
|Mała biblioteka
|Mała biblioteka
|A room with some bookcases and a flower pot in the corner.
|A room with some bookcases and a flower pot in the corner.
|49 {{BlockLink|Birch Wood Planks}}
|49 {{BlockLink|Brzozowe deski}}

24 {{BlockLink|Dark Oak Wood Stairs}}
24 {{BlockLink|Ciemne dębowe schody}}

20 {{BlockLink|Oak Wood Planks}}
20 {{BlockLink|Dębowe deski}}

12 {{BlockLink|Bookshelf}}
12 {{BlockLink|Biblioteczka}}

9 {{BlockLink|Oak Wood Stairs}}
9 {{BlockLink|Dębowe schody}}

7 {{BlockLink|Oak Wood Slab}}
7 {{BlockLink|Dębowa płyta}}

1 {{BlockLink|Allium}}
1 {{BlockLink|Allium}}

1 {{BlockLink|Flower Pot|id=flower-pot-empty}}
1 {{BlockLink|Doniczka|id=flower-pot-empty}}